View Full Version : Ibd

03-24-08, 12:07 AM
My name's Brian, and i have 2 Pastel Boa's. I just lost a regular Columbian, Jenova, to IBD. : ( I recently acquired these two boa's from a reptile breeder in my area. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with IBD and if they could tell me how long it takes to get rid of it, in the case that you dont wash your tank. (i did THOUROUGHLY wash my tank before placing the two boa's inside. lol... I also JUST bought a 40g deep breeder tank for the two of them from a pet store. any information appreciated)

03-24-08, 04:20 PM
How do you know it was IBD?

03-25-08, 01:12 PM
You don't get rid of IBD its like snake AIDS & Boas can carry it for years before being affected by it. How do you know it died form it? You had best contact the breeder & ask them a lot of Qs as if they have it they could be infecting collections everywhere their stock is sold. Boas can carry it for long periods of time & not be sick from it (thus the AIDS reference) but Pythons usually die from its affects real quick like. You need to find out for sure thats what it was & address where the disease is coming from. Last thing we want is some breeder passing it out to everyone & killing off their stock whether unknowingly or knowingly doing so, Mark

03-26-08, 04:10 PM
Signs for IBD include stargazing (the snake turning on its back), respiratory illness, and other neurological symptoms. If you're snakes are showing any of these signs, take them to a vet immediately. It can be spread by contact, mites, and ticks. If anyone shows positive, have them euthanized. Check your other snakes for mites and ticks. If you can, get all your boas and pythons tested, and keep any snakes you suspect are sick quarantined from the rest. Also, as gonesnakee said, contact the breeder if you can, and always quarentine new snakes for at least a month (some people prefer 6 months, but each to his/her own). Good luck, and I hope for the best.

03-30-08, 03:45 AM
well i had my previous boa (the one that died) tested and biopsied. She came back positive for IBD. The two that I've got now don't show any symptoms of IBD, i just wondered if the virus could survive in my home without a host.