View Full Version : Prickly Pear Preparation

12-20-02, 04:05 PM
OK...so I like to feed my lil redfoot prickly pear from time to time. Now it says everywhere how important it is to remove seeds. Can someone give me a reason for this? As I understand it these fruits come from their home range, and although I can't prove it, I don't believe that there is a little seed fairy that comes along and picks out the seeds in the wild :p Also, is there some secret to icking the seeds out of those things? There's soooo many seeds!
I mean, wow....its almsot like expecting to have fruit remainging after picking seeds out of a pommegranite....lol! Anyhoo, any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated :)

Scotty Allen
12-20-02, 04:10 PM
For what it's worth Linds, I've fed many prickly pears to redfoots, leopard tortoises, iguanas and Buddah knows what else, I've never been concerned with seeds. My biggest problem with them has been to save enough for the critters, I end up eating the fruit myself !!!

12-20-02, 04:33 PM
my ig gets prickly pear and there is NO WAY i'm gonna pick out the seeds !
i think they pass through but i don't inspect the poop so i'm not sure but in any case, they don't pose a problem

12-20-02, 04:43 PM
it could be impaction or toxicity(like apple seeds) but never heard of it before

12-20-02, 05:58 PM
I was wondering if maybe I was missing something like apple seed toxicity, 'cause everyone seems so concerned with picking them out, but I coudln't on earth find any logical reason for this. Thanks :)

12-22-02, 10:42 PM
do you have any pics of your little tortoise? I got mine a little while ago. Arnt they great?!? I love how they can eat just everything. Ill post pics after christmas.

12-22-02, 11:27 PM
Of course! I'm the picture queen :D Haven't posted any of my little guy in about a month or so but I should have som enew ones up soon! :D