View Full Version : My Big Boy ~PIC~

04-15-02, 11:50 PM
Lol... I realize this pic makes him look a lil chubby... but really he's a healthy weight in real life :) Not a bad size for a male either, Marvin's only 11 months old and weighed in a 646 grams! Gonna have to find him a huge girlfriend because if I breed him, I am most definitely breeding for size... there's not enough big balls out there :D

<img src="http://gallery.kingsnake.com/data/2472marv6.jpg">

Corey Woods
04-16-02, 05:11 AM
I've got big balls!..lol


04-16-02, 07:47 AM
ACDC song, a very funny one at that, easy to play too. I've got big balls too, one of my males measures in at 52 inches, that's pretty big for a male isn't it? I've never seen a bigger male before though I know they exist. "And my balls are always bouncing and my ballroom's always full, and everybody comes and comes again, if your name is on the guest list, no one can take you higher, everybody says I've got great balls of fire."
LOL didn't mean to start writing the whole song out but that's an oldie, way back with Bon Scott.

04-16-02, 09:27 AM
My male BP was 3 feet 6 inches long last time I measured him and he just shed (measured about a month ago), and guess what HE'S NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD. He will be a year old in May.
Jsut think how big he WILL be, don't know weight though, no scale.
Got him from Marcus Jayne Ball Pythons, the female I also got is quite large as well, she is in shed as we speak.

(CornBall Reptiles)

04-16-02, 10:46 AM
nice Ball Linds! Hope he grows to be a moster! I am yet to see a big adult ball.... the biggest I've seen was about 4ft. I'd love to see a 6 footer!
Gorelith-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap! My folks got me that record when I was around 12 and then heard that song and took it away!!lol Surprised the title of the album didn't tip them off to what was in store.....
Corey-oh yah?....then why don't ya get a tattoo!?LOL (j/k)

04-16-02, 11:58 AM
*fingers crossed* well I'm pretty sure he will break the 4 foot mark for sure...lol. He's under a year and I just measured him and he's roughly 39" or so. He's got "big blood", too... his parent were both monsters. So here's to hoping :D

04-16-02, 01:02 PM
sure sure Corey....thats what you say , but we seen them new years eve....were you too drunk to remember??

04-16-02, 01:08 PM
Green Jelly....they heard the songs House my teenage rave, and $#!Tman, and decided it wasn't what they wanted me to listen to, I left home when they tried to take my Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails away, lol. My stepmother is deathly afraid of snakes, and wouldn't let me have any, so I plan on paying her a visit next time I'm out that way (been almost 10 years), heh heh, hmmmm another song just came to mind....Heart attack, heart attack man!!! LOL Beastie Boys.

Corey Woods
04-16-02, 04:42 PM
Joe and Melissa,

Shhhhhh.......you weren't suppost to tell anyone about the "fun" we had on new years.............it was cold out........I demand a recount....lol.......


I'm a big sissy when it comes to needles, body peircing or tattoos. I'd faint for sure!


The largest Ball python females I've got here are over 8lbs. Some are also over 5 feet as well.


Darren Hamill
04-17-02, 12:22 AM
Corey are you bragging about your BIG BALLS again! LOL! You never give up do ya............ I'm not going to tell anyone weather or not I've seen your balls, it just wont sound right :0)

Darren Hamill

Markus Jayne
04-17-02, 05:30 PM
His mother is about to give him some brothers. She is due on April 27th and she last weighed in at over 4,700 grams! I have 3 of your boys sisters and the biggest is 747 grams right now. Even if she reaches breeding size prematurely, I will wait until her third year. I'm in no rush.

Good luck with him!
