View Full Version : Feeding Queen Belle

12-20-02, 09:56 AM
My new Ball named "Queen Belle" is about 4-5 months old and about 22 inches long.

At what age/size should I start to feed her Rats instead of mice.
She is eating 2 adult mice per feeding now.

Thanks for the advice

12-20-02, 10:39 AM
the advice that i was given... now
mine won't take the small rat yet...maybe they don't like the smell but the sooner you an get her to rats the better....or so i was told :)

12-20-02, 10:51 AM
yea get her on it as soon a possible i am trying right now to ween mine onto rats but she likes the smell of mice better i waited to long lol
so try to do it asap

Big Mike
12-20-02, 11:07 AM
I have heard that rats are more nutritious but they can live on mice thier whole lives. Of course it's easier for us to fees them one prey item rather than 3-4. Try getting the smell of a mouse onto a thawed rat...that might do the trick.

12-20-02, 08:13 PM
one of our BPs wouldn't take anything but white mice, how ever when she started on rats she didn't care what colour they were