View Full Version : Need Advice on Selling My Snakes (Mostly Breeding Age)

01-24-08, 07:22 AM
Due to health issues and other concerns, I have decided not to breed snakes. I need to sell them to someone who will give them a good home. Most are breeding size / age or very close to it. They've never been bred. All are very nice-looking. Some are exceptional.

I bought all the corn snakes directly from Kathy Love. My Arizona Mt. King (which I may decide not to part with) was bred originally by Chris Baubel. He's older than the others. I bought him full-grown.

Anyway, I have no idea what these snakes are worth. I want them to go to a good home, but I want a reasonably fair price for them, too. Probably it would be easier to tell me what they're worth if I take pics, which I will do as I am able. (I'll post them to this thread.)

Also, I'm not sure where to market them. Most Internet sites aren't too keen on posting animals. I paid a butt-load trying to sell my Louisiana milksnakes on kingsnake.com and a local paper and didn't get a single inquiry. Perhaps I asked way too much. I just don't know.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your input.

As of now I have the following:

1.2 Okeetee
1.0 Albino Okeetee
1.0 Crimson; 0.1 Hypo (share same gene for hypo, so they're a "pair")
1.1 Louisiana milksnakes
1.0 Arizona Mt. King

I gave away my female Mt. King after I learned from the vet she had cancer. One of my albino Okeetees got away in the house and I never found her. It's been quite awhile so I don't expect to find her.

03-15-08, 12:22 AM
Here's a web page I made with photos of all my snakes:

Snakes for Sale (http://www.goldrush.com/~ladyhawklh/snakes/snakes.html)

03-15-08, 09:33 AM
Most forums do have classifieds. Since its mostly corns I know a great site that even has its own auctions too. Did you want to sell them as groups or individually? You can also advertise them for sale on your site.

As far as prices go you can check kingsnake to see what others are selling for of that morph and species. Females are worth more then males of breeding age.

03-15-08, 03:48 PM
Canadian pricing (this is a mostly Canadian site) will differ greatly from American prices in most cases. Take that as you may.
Might I suggest you go to the site you mentioned in your post and do a little peekin' and pokin' around to see how much your animals are worth there, so that you can price them accordingly.

03-17-08, 11:30 PM
Ladyhawk I just checked out your site and your snakes are beautiful. don't know much about selling but definetly beautiful snakes. as of last night I have now found a awsome female Pueblan milk for my male and i'm pretty happy and in the next couple of weeks my friend is giving me two baby sand boas.