View Full Version : Rubbermaid Ventilation Question..

01-19-08, 08:34 PM
Ok, I just built a 5 tub rack out of melamine. They are the 23x16x6 2221 rubbermaid tubs. My question is how many holes do you guys generally use for airflow. I don't want to experiment too much so any input would be great.

If it helps I will add some more details. Im housing ball pythons and my ambient temps are around 75deg and i am aiming for an 82 degree temp in the tub with a hotspot around 93 deg. Each shelf is heated with a 12" piece of 11" flexwatt that is about 7 inches under the tub and the rest wraps up the back of the tub.


01-21-08, 07:20 AM
Usually I melt about 4 to 5 in each of the four sides with a soldering iron, they are about 3/16" if I had to guess. Some times I don't put them in back side and maybe put an extra hole in the side. This has worked fine for me for many years. I keep BP's and shoot for a cool side of 80F and a hot spot of 88-90F. Everybody eats and sheds fine. My snake room is stays around 74-75F year round.

This allows plenty of air to flow because I can put the tub in the sink and turn the water on full blast and the tub will not fill, it will empty via the air holes.

01-21-08, 11:25 AM
Thanks! It gives me a starting point from there i can monitor the humidity and temps. I didn't want to end up with too many holes.


Brent Strande
01-23-08, 06:42 AM
If you do end up with too many holes and can't keep up the humidity, tape (as long as it's on the OUTSIDE!) covering the holes is effective to 'undo' them.