View Full Version : Breeders

12-20-02, 12:39 AM
Does anyone know of any Alberta breeders or reputable B.C. or Saskatchewan breeders with baby(or realy young) ball pythons available in January or sooner?
:confused: :confused:

12-20-02, 01:15 AM
Henry Piorun has some bps for sale... http://www.a1pythons.com

Don't know of anyone else around here who does right now though....


12-20-02, 01:26 AM
we actually have a clutch of seven eggs due next week (christmas eve) so if you want I can keep you updated. Let me know either way

Jamie and Kory

12-20-02, 02:36 AM
I have 2 males available on a sale that fell through (yay for deposit!!).

Here's the male I want to sell for sure. $100. Sorry, pics are old. He's on to 3 adult mice per 10 days, without fail (unless shedding).




12-20-02, 05:46 AM
awwwww cute!!

12-20-02, 06:56 AM
I'll take the carpet in the background if you decide to sell him/her, lol :)

12-20-02, 12:17 PM
Ha ha, great to see you back Gorelith!!

.....and no.



12-20-02, 01:50 PM
Royal -- I can vouch for Jeff, he's got awesome animals, and is a pleasure to deal with :) In fact, I probably held that little guy when I was over there visiting MY baby the other day :) Very fat and healthy....

12-20-02, 07:35 PM
when was the male ball born Jeff?
also how big is he now?

beautiful looking tho

12-20-02, 08:25 PM
Try Don Patterson (B.C.) donpreptiles@hotmail.com (250)655-0706 or Henry Piorun (B.C.) piorun@sprint.ca (604)820-9324 or Steve Chandler (Medicine Hat - AB) (403)527-2541 or Annettte Thompson (Carseland, AB) (403)934-5703 or Jason Hunter (B.C.) (604)869-3448 or DNA Reptiles (B.C.) (604)826-4759 or Chris Dempster (Calgary, AB) (403)256-9588 or AK Exotics (Edmonton, AB) (780)444-2221

You should be able to find someone out of the above with some available. Hope this helps you & others. Cheers Mark I. - GONE SNAKEE! Calgary, AB

12-21-02, 02:57 AM
Hey thanks mark Gonesnakee... Thats alllot of people.. that should help alllot... thanks..

12-21-02, 01:29 PM
Hopefully Jeff will get back to you himself Royal... but I believe that the baby was born either mid October, or early November -- I don't know which of those 2 clutches he was from. For the size, I'm taking a wild guess and I'll say around 1-1.5' ... when I held him he wasn't stretched out, so it's hard to tell.

Like I said though, hopefully Jeff will get back to you with some definite answers on those :)

12-21-02, 03:10 PM
Hey Royal, I emailed you.

Hope you got it! Hotmail is funny sometimes.


Thanks for the kind words Clown! :D

12-21-02, 06:09 PM
Jeff, I didnt get the email... my hotmail does that sometimes.. could you try again?

12-21-02, 06:29 PM
On the way buddy!

12-23-02, 05:20 PM
Jeff thats a great looking snake... the problem is truthfully that I was hoping for a baby, when I said young that was meant to be a couple weeks old. If only I was searching sooner I would have bought yours, beautiful looking.. love the color.