View Full Version : Current setup pic

12-19-02, 11:28 PM

Here is the set up in my new place, although the herps like it, you can see why I want a wall unit enclosure . The order is : snapping turtle, corn snake, leo geckos, ball python, and BCI, missing is the Cham cage.


I will be building or purchasing a new/used set up early in the new year.

As usual any comments questions or suggestions are welcome

12-20-02, 12:32 AM
Is that aluminum foil on the sides?

12-20-02, 02:21 AM
darn those aqauriums!! lol.. They take up sooo much room. You're right a wall unit would make sooo much more sense for you!!!! I used to house all my snakes in individual tanks, once i got up to 18 aqauriums I started moving things out of my room, i think the bed was next!!! Since then i have built melamine racks and i have all the room in the world for more snakes!! :)

Lisa: I believe that is a type of colored foil they sell for aquarium backgrounds.. I used to have some of that stuff, it was green, it actually looks pretty cool when you have a tank with fish..

12-20-02, 08:22 AM

The boa's tank is the stuff matt spoke about, the ball's tank is normat foil i painted and podged.