View Full Version : Another new addition

01-05-08, 09:11 PM
I couldn't say no to this gorgeous male Lesser Platinum Ball Python. He was produced this summer by Regiusco, who were a pleasure to deal with. one step closer to my blue eyed lucy's!



01-07-08, 07:03 AM
how much was he it looks really nice

01-07-08, 02:40 PM
Lesser Platinum males go for around $1,100 - $1,200 CDN now. My how things have changed price wise eh LOL Nice lesser, Mark

01-07-08, 05:15 PM
how much was he it looks really nice

Thanks guys. He was $1250, which is a bit more than the going rate right now, but i know i am getting a quality animal, and it was the one i wanted.


01-07-08, 05:42 PM
Pretty much the going rate anyway, no sense buying one based on it being the cheapest one available ;) Mark

01-07-08, 06:43 PM
That is a sweet BP that you got good luck on your plans. Every year the price drops on them witch makes it good for the people that want them. That is like the Albino Burmese python I remember they were like $10,000.00 now $275.00 for a baby.

01-07-08, 07:00 PM
Are you serious? I remember just about five years ago everyone saying the ball market will hold steady for quite some years to come. Seems it's dropped quite a bit.

01-08-08, 09:11 AM
I heard the same about balls and boa's but there is more and more people getting into the hobby. So that is going to put the price down because they want to get rid of them. This goes for most new breeders like me sure the snake is worth that much from Joe Blow but Jane Doe has the same for $500.00 cheaper sure her name is not well known but the same morph. A good example is Peter Kahl got one of the first albino boa for I think around $10 000 and it was a wild caught adult now they go for $700.00 to $1200.00. Well I think I said enough I could keep going
The prices are going to keep dropping no matter what unless it is some new morph.


01-08-08, 01:41 PM
Are you serious? I remember just about five years ago everyone saying the ball market will hold steady for quite some years to come. Seems it's dropped quite a bit.
A steady downward spiral yep ;) Recessives hold their value not too bad, but co dom etc. drop like rocks to certain levels before slowing down any. A Lesser would have cost you like $17,000 just over 3 years ago. Mojaves were right up there in that price range too & can be grabbed for as low as $450-$600 now. Spiders are another morph that took a huge drop in price in the last 5 years. Before anyone dumps a bunch of $ into BPs they had better do their homework first ;) Mark

01-08-08, 03:52 PM
Very nice Lesser Platinum I also agree I would pay alittle more for an animal if you know your getting good stock cheer's to you buddy good luck