View Full Version : December finds for 2007

12-22-07, 01:03 PM
The long awaited rain has brought a few snakes up recently. December isn't the greatest month to find snakes under AC in Riverside Co. California, but if you look enough there's always a few to find.
Red diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber) These are more commonly found in rocky areas.

12-23-07, 04:00 AM
very cool, is that southern cali

12-24-07, 02:09 AM
Thanks. Yes, it's out in western Riverside Co. I meant to post my other pictures, but I'm having strange problems with this sight. I tried to abort my post but it still posted these two pictures when I still have like 20 more. I just tried again now and it sais there's a limit of 4 pictures! I much more to share than four. LOL I go by DesertHunter on Fieldherpforum.com. You can find my stuff there.