11-27-07, 10:38 AM
Starting at the December meeting TARAS will be incorporating a new feature into our meetings. At the end of the meetings we will now be spending approx 1/2 hour having a "Show & Tell" so to speak. Each meeting will have a prearranged "animal" that will be brought in & "presented" by one of our members & discussed. Nothing too elaborate just a short demonstration followed by some Q&A. We thought it would be nice to have something hands on Herp related taking place at the meetings to make them more interesting. All the "show & tell" demos will be prearranged prior the meetings. We can't have people just showing up randomly with animals & the "show & tell" animals will be contained to the meeting room. Walking around the Petland with animals & solicitation of Petland's customers will not be acceptable. They are kind enough to provide the monthly meeting room to us free of charge & allowing the "show & tells" to take place there, so we will respect their wishes at our meetings as well. Meetings take place the 3rd Monday of every month from 7-9pm & are held at the Deerfoot Meadows Petland Location (just off Deerfoot Trail south). Meetings start at 7pm sharp & we request that if you plan on coming out that you are there for the entire meeting from start to finish. We can't have folks coming & going during the course of the meeting, disrupting its proceedings. You must be a TARAS member to attend the meetings. If you are not a member already you can sign up at the meetings. Hope to see you all come out & become involved. Anyone interested in presenting an animal please contact a TARAS board member via email or phone, let us know at a meeting in person, post here on the forum etc. We hope to have this as a regular monthly feature at the meetings & to do so successfully will require some membership participation. THX & hope to see some new faces out making our society the best that it can be. THX Mark
This is what we have for a potential lineup so far:
Monday Dec 17/07 - Bearded Dragons presented by Jim Dyke
Monday Jan 21/08 - Joe Villebrun - Scorpions (possibly some Spiders too?)
Monday Feb 18/08 - Mark IsBell - something Snakee! (possibly Blackheaded Pythons?)
This is what we have for a potential lineup so far:
Monday Dec 17/07 - Bearded Dragons presented by Jim Dyke
Monday Jan 21/08 - Joe Villebrun - Scorpions (possibly some Spiders too?)
Monday Feb 18/08 - Mark IsBell - something Snakee! (possibly Blackheaded Pythons?)