View Full Version : Exo Terra 100 Gallon Flexarium??

11-20-07, 06:14 AM
I have a couple of questions.

I will be using a 100 gallon flexarium laid flat for my eastern box turtles. My concern is the lights. If I were to suspend the lights from my ceiling I would have to have the UVB light very close to the mesh or the animal would not really be getting any benefit from the UVB. Does the UVB penetrate the mesh? It seems like very small mesh.

Also, I need to have a heat bulb to give them a basking area of about 90 degrees. I was told not to use Halogen bulbs, why is that? What type of bulb would I use if not halogen?

Is it possible that the mesh would melt or start on fire? How far away from the screen should the heat bulb be to be safe? Can the lights (clamp lamp style) actually sit right on the mesh without fear of fire?


11-23-07, 08:52 AM
try using the powersun because it has a six foot range that will penetrate the mesh this can be put onto a clamplamp that can be perched on the frame of the flexarium! You can get the powersun in several wattages 60 100 and 150 wtt and they dont have to touch the mesh and so preventing any problems with fires though i believe that the mesh is very heat resistant but to be on the safe side dont let it touch it and your box tutles will still benefit from the uv cos it has such a a long reach good luck keep us informed of how you go on with it

11-23-07, 08:58 AM
Thanks, I'll check out the powersuns.

11-23-07, 03:13 PM
how do you plan on keeping the humidity required.

using flexes for chams i know how hard it is to keep humidity. i humidify the entire room

11-24-07, 06:57 AM
how do you plan on keeping the humidity required.

using flexes for chams i know how hard it is to keep humidity. i humidify the entire room

I am planning on using plastic sheeting (vapour barrier) around and over as much of it as possible.

11-27-07, 08:39 PM
ok.. be careful with power suns they will burn the screen material