View Full Version : Exo Terra Glass Terariums

11-10-07, 03:40 PM
I was thinking of maybe getting one of the Exo Terra Glass Terraiums for my ball python. I was wondering which size would be the best for my ball python for whens its older so i dont have to get another cage ever again? link to all the sizes available is right here Exo Terra - Products: Glass Terrarium (http://www.exo-terra.com/en/products/glass_terrarium.php)

11-10-07, 03:52 PM
I was thinking of maybe getting one of the Exo Terra Glass Terraiums for my ball python. I was wondering which size would be the best for my ball python for whens its older so i dont have to get another cage ever again? link to all the sizes available is right here Exo Terra - Products: Glass Terrarium (http://www.exo-terra.com/en/products/glass_terrarium.php)

Sorry Tyler but I don't think any of those would be big enough to an adult BP which can reach 5 - 6' long fully grown and weigh 3000 grams if not more. You would do best to spend the money on a Vision cage.
V332 Vision Cage with extra vent (http://lllreptile.com/store/catalog/vision-cages-and-racks/vision-cages/-/v332-vision-cage-with-extra-vent/)
Yes they're pricey but it'll last the snake easily the rest of it's life. Even if you have a cage built at those demensions it's going to cost you the price of the Vision cage to do it right.

Just my two cents.

11-10-07, 04:30 PM
dont the females get to about 5-6 ft. i have a male and they usually are bout 3-4 ft. could u still get it?

11-11-07, 12:12 PM
Exoterras are designed for invertabrates, and small lizards. I personally wouldn't hold any snake in it, except possibly some small burrowers such as rosy's. Snakes are escape artists and I am not sure how well one of those cages would provide a secure environment. I agree with Christine. Go with a cage designed for snakes. Vision are great but shipping is high. Animal plastics and boephile make good cages also and shipping is a little less since they are shippied disassembled. If you build a cage, look at the websites for these manufacturers and model your cage after theirs. Don't cut corners and get an appropriate cage. Todd

11-11-07, 04:53 PM
We have two of them. One is in storage now waiting for some cresties. The other has a GTP in it. We had to modify the top to keep the humidity up and add two levels of PVC for him to climb on, but since he is more of a display animal in our office it was a good setup for him right now.
Like previously stated they are not good for ball pythons. If you really want something glass I would say get a 40 gallon breeder instead. You would still have to do something about the screen top to be able to hold in humidity but it would work.