View Full Version : Proud Little Herper

11-03-07, 05:35 PM
Here is Jake with his blind recuse Harry.



11-03-07, 07:50 PM
GNARLY BALL! Blind? It'll work out fine.


11-03-07, 08:03 PM

Yeah we got this one in with another one. Both were hatchlings, covered in layers of stuck shed, full of mites, under fed etc.

The other one didn't make it and this one lost part of its eyes when the layers finally came off. We were going to adopt him out but Jake didn't want anything to do with that so he became his first snake.

He actually just saved up his allowance to buy his second ball python and is already talking about getting more.

11-03-07, 08:56 PM
Train them while they're young I say!!! :D

Great photos.

11-03-07, 09:08 PM
He is learning. Already asking for snakes and rodent pro gift certificates for Christmas and his birthday

11-04-07, 04:22 PM
He is learning. Already asking for snakes and rodent pro gift certificates for Christmas and his birthday

What a great parent you are!!! I still email my parents my Christmas list which always includes reptile and motorcycle stuff. There are just some things in life a person cannot grow out of. lmao

11-04-07, 04:58 PM
What a great parent you are!!!

Thanks. A lot of it is with Jake I have never in my life seen a 6 year old child so in tune with animals Every dog, cat, snake, rat, etc, that he has ever come into contact with take to him right away.
Even a dog that had never seen a kid the other day once it stopped barking and came over and smelled him was ready to play.

11-04-07, 06:02 PM
someday im gonna have a little guy just like that