View Full Version : healthy size of cali king?

11-03-07, 12:57 AM
I was wondering, how long or big should a Californian Kingsnake be at 5 years old?

11-03-07, 12:35 PM
Around 3-4 ft & the girth of lets say 2 bic lighters together give or take some. Males tend to get bigger as they are not carrying clutches. Size can vary quite a bit between individuals just like in any species. Mark

11-03-07, 02:19 PM
Hmmm, mine is only 2.6-2.7 ft

I don't plan on breeding, just concerned that I stunted its growth or something.

11-03-07, 02:40 PM
Most of my adults are likely close to only 3 ft, but some as mentioned get bigger or stay smaller than others. Just like short people vs tall peple, fat vs skinny, well fat isn't healthy but some folks are just bigger than others etc. Same apllies to snakes & other species, I guess my answer was more of a could be rather than should be reply. Mark

11-03-07, 02:50 PM
I would concentrate more on width as opposed to length. You shouldn't be able to see his spine clearly, nor should he be bulging with little snake rolls near the cloaca. As long as he's a nice girth, feeding and is seemingly healthy. It's all good :)