View Full Version : Visual Acuity?

10-31-07, 11:25 AM
Has anybody seen any definitive (i.e. scientific) information on the spectral sensitivity of the Rainbow Boa's vision?

I would LOVE to put a motion sensor camera on my snake's cage but wouldn't do it if she could see the illumination source.

I know some snakes can see IR but I don't know much else.


10-31-07, 07:05 PM
Hi, I am not an expert (so I could be wrong)

The snake species that I know of that can see in the infrared spectrum are in the group called pit vipers or Crotalinae to be more precise. I found a wikipedia page about it, it does mention certain boas and pythons may have the ability to sense infrared to a lesser extent.

Crotalinae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_vipers)