Boots Hawks
10-27-07, 10:01 PM
Hello, My Name is Boots and I guess I must be new to the forum that is why I am posting here. Anyways, I live in Stockton, California. I know don't feel sorry for me, I have a great life, wife, job, and some great pets. I am the care giver for 5 boas, 2 Salmons, female and male, Twista is the girl, and Crush is the male. I have a Hypo Red female from EBV in Oakland named Ding Dong. My big baby common girl by the name of Precious and My first Boa, a common male named Bo of all things, like no one has ever heard that name for a boa. Anyways I find it my duty to be a responsible Dad to my five kids, as I call the. I keep them fed, warm and they get plenty of attention. I hope that maybe I will learn something by reading the posts on here, Maybe share a laugh or two with people who have a common interest, and if I am very lucky, I might even make a friend or two with some of you great people. After all I think snake people are special, they have to be to love something that most others hate.
Boots, (this is my given name)
Boots, (this is my given name)