View Full Version : Emperor Scorpion

10-27-07, 06:49 PM
While they are not known for stinging people I don't recommend anyone free handling them like this. You never know what you are going to have an allergic reaction to if you get stung. I have had this girl for a while now and know for the most part when I can mess with her and when I can't, even still I run the risk of her being annoyed enough to sting me.

http://myreptileplanet.com/imagehosting/thum_24723c23b0ea20.jpg ('http://myreptileplanet.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=137')

http://myreptileplanet.com/imagehosting/thum_24723c23b3cd8a.jpg ('http://myreptileplanet.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=139')

10-29-07, 04:32 AM
she looks pretty cool i wish i could keep them in Australia

01-06-08, 09:48 PM
how long does molting take and how often does it happen?

01-07-08, 07:06 AM
I would love an emperor they r so nice

01-07-08, 02:43 PM
Molting "times" are determined by growth rate, same as shedding is in reptiles. Not sure how long a molt cycle lasts as I haven't really kept Scorps before, I'd think a week or less, Mark

05-27-08, 01:12 AM
Cool. Apparently the adults don't molt.