View Full Version : Kenya sand boa

10-26-07, 08:20 PM
Hey im looking at a few kenyas that look very promising my only problem is there unsexed is there any one in alberta who can sex a kenya sand boa or give me a method for doing this thank you very much

10-27-07, 07:28 AM
prob or kenyans have different body size always females are bigger but im not sure if you can tell when there babies

10-27-07, 10:48 AM
ok and one more question bout them do they mind bein in the same tank if i spring for 2 ?

10-28-07, 06:30 PM
I sent you a pm on how to sex kenyans. Hope that it helps.

10-28-07, 06:52 PM

11-06-07, 03:34 PM
i decided to spring for two but i went from two different breeders and ages.... so right now they are in differnt size tanks i know i have a long wait only weighing 16.7 grams :P so small but at what age can you mate a male kenyan sand boa?or weight?

11-06-07, 08:05 PM
what a sad day i tried to feed my female for the first time she is about 2 and a half and just over 2 feet long she was given a stunned mouse ... she constricted it then she ate 3 quarters of it :( and regurged.... it wasnt cold neither was she... how long tell i can offer again and ny suggestions for y?

11-07-07, 06:50 AM
um my balls the same try a live and if it wont eat for a month take it to a vet or somewhere like one

11-08-07, 01:20 AM
I sent you a pm on how to sex kenyans. Hope that it helps.

Why wasn't this public? Is it unsafe? Unpredictable? Messages like this bother me. Just because they're small does NOT mean you can pop them safely.

11-08-07, 07:15 AM
you can offer another pr killed in a few days, just leave the room for awhile after you offer it, im guessing your snake was startled and spit it up, not a big deal at all, some individuals like a little privacy, good luck!

11-08-07, 01:00 PM
shes all better she ate a little stunned mouse ... no problems ... thanks every one i was worried...
and for the sexing kenyans i was sent this thread Reptiles Canada Forums (http://www.reptilescanada.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2042&page=2&highlight=sexing) i think... it was all i needed... ya comepletly unpredictable :P

11-13-07, 12:35 PM
Why wasn't this public? Is it unsafe? Unpredictable? Messages like this bother me. Just because they're small does NOT mean you can pop them safely.

It wasn't public because it is from another reptile site and I didn't think that it was appropriate.

11-13-07, 03:52 PM
I have quite afew sand boa's and there is no need to pop them its not safe you can tell by looking at the tails females will have short tails from vent to tip of tail and males will be longer from vent to tip.Females will also have hips males wont its very noticable.Hope that helps best of luck:):)

11-14-07, 12:32 PM
I was reading through the thread again and noticed this.It does not matter if their both males or females you can house them together either sex.I have 2 males together right now and they've been together for months without a problem.

11-14-07, 03:19 PM
really sorry I just know for almost aything one male and ??? females work maybe yores are not sexually mature

11-15-07, 08:16 AM
really sorry I just know for almost aything one male and ??? females work maybe yores are not sexually mature
Sexual maturity has nothing to do with it you never mentioned males housed with females you said you can't house two males together when you can.If you have 2 adult males with 1 adult female the males will stimulate each other aswell as stimulate the female into breeding other than that it's perfectly safe to house 2 males together at any age.:)

11-15-07, 08:32 AM
sorry that was what i ment