View Full Version : Should i be concerned?

10-14-07, 05:00 PM
My boa seems to like the area of the tank that doesnt have a heat source even though its making him cold, when i put him in the bath tub he was making strange noises and he still hasn't shed, also his tongue comes out really slow sometimes.. is there a problem of some sort?

10-14-07, 06:17 PM
is the other side of the tank with the heat source like "HOT". what is the temperature over there? and are you making the water in the tub the correct temperature?

10-14-07, 06:36 PM
how hot should the tub water be? how cold should his water dish be? im buying a Rheostat for his heat pad and a thermometer too
but if any suggestions please let me know

10-14-07, 07:56 PM
The water should probably be around 80-85 degrees and if you dont have a controller on the heat pad its probably HOT. Feel the glass where it is and see how hot it is. I made that mistake before and it was over 100 degrees on that spot.. And just put the bowl of water on the cooler side if he wants it he will go to it.. You can also put a bowl of water on each side of the tank if you got the room. so he can decide if he wants hot/cold water too. Just an idea.

10-14-07, 08:37 PM
What about his tongue coming out slow and his wheezing noise? is it a major problem

10-15-07, 02:22 PM
Wheezy noises are bad. It can indicate a ton of things (none of them good) including IBD and pneumonia. Wheezing = vet. It gets extra bad if it is "drooling".

The Snake Guru
10-15-07, 04:59 PM
Ya know the one thing that I don't see here:

What are your actual cage temperatures at?


10-15-07, 05:36 PM
Go ahead, show everybody up by thinking of the obvious stuff.

10-15-07, 08:35 PM
well hes not drooling and the wheezing isn't constant its only when hes in the bath tub but it just happened for the first time Sunday and when i got home there was skin starting to shed near his mouth
Ill update on his health after he sheds. Ill post up pictures of him too soon=]
Thank you all

The Snake Guru
10-15-07, 08:43 PM
What are your actual cage temperatures at?


10-15-07, 09:00 PM
my thermometer says 84 but im buying a brand new one since its sorta old

The Snake Guru
10-15-07, 09:42 PM
Coolside temp?
Even so sounds like it's in range...the Backround temps should be at 82-86 degrees (84 is a good mid-range) Hotspot should be measuring 90 to 95 degrees.


10-22-07, 05:54 AM
I can tell you my experience. Mine started making the wheezing noises when I got her in the mail from the breeder. Thought it was just because of the shipping etc. Waited a month and finally took her to the vet even though it didnt appear to be getting worse. Come to find out they did culture tests and she had 2 types of bacterial infections along with a respitory infection. NOW i'm having to give her an oral antibiotic via sryinge every day and injections under the skin every three days for 3 weeks. Sucks since she came in this way and now Ive almost spent more on vet bills than the snake.

10-23-07, 01:31 PM
What kind of boa? Some are really humidity sensitive.