View Full Version : YouTube: Holy Stupidity Batman

10-12-07, 03:08 PM
I was just watching peoples snake vids on youtube, and I am in utter and complete AWE of the stupidity of people.

One girl shows off her new "ball python" to her neighbors, which is actually a BCI... hello!

NEARLY ALL the feeding videos are of people feeding live, and not only feeding live but feeding live in all the wrong ways. Some of these people claim to be professional breeders, too. Just shameful.

But I couldnt help but be amazed at how many people dont know what their snakes are! Tons of people calling burmese "albino ball pythons." One person had an ATB listed as a GTP... the list goes on and on.

So in honor of halloween month, if you need a good scare, check out youtube for all the horrors of herpkeeping. I cant believe people POST this crap!

10-15-07, 02:57 PM
im to scared to even search for it

10-15-07, 04:15 PM
I am curious to see the chick with the bci claiming it to be a ball. I searched and couldn't find that one, can you post a link? I did see some decent tricks, though, like using the bathtub as a feed box.

10-15-07, 06:19 PM
Ya Youtubes Good That Way Some Retards Are Out There I Also Coudnt Find The Bci Ball Thing

10-15-07, 06:20 PM
I am curious to see the chick with the bci claiming it to be a ball. I searched and couldn't find that one, can you post a link? I did see some decent tricks, though, like using the bathtub as a feed box.

YouTube - Bird and Snake Meet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVtawN9M1NA)

Its called "Bird and Snake meet."


10-15-07, 10:17 PM
YouTube - Bird and Snake Meet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVtawN9M1NA)

Its called "Bird and Snake meet."


I feel so much for people sometimes. You know she has such great intentions. I suspect she got it from someone that pawned it off on her. Just wait till it's 9 feet long and eating baby bunnies. "Are ball pythons supposed to do that???"

"Too bad they won't get along" Nah, it just wants to give it a hug.

Thanks for posting the link. I bet she figured out her mistake the very next day.

10-15-07, 10:47 PM
i acctually used a bathtub as a feed box aswell i cut a piece of plywood to fit perfectly over the whole tub with a hole just big enough to fit a small rabbit in , i got a 13' retic to start eating again after a 4 month fasting from then on she would only eat in the tub lol. 7 people tried to get this big girl to eat i got her for free and when i got her on a good feeding schedual i found out who she origonly beolnged to and i returned her to her origonal owner, who cried when i told her the story on how i got her after being passed off from person to person who clmed to be a breeder and snake enthusiast but i think if someone is claming to be a serious snake enthusiest then they wouldn't have given up on ones life .......

10-15-07, 11:06 PM
Wow. I guess the videos were posted well after they were taken.

A followup: YouTube - Colombian Red Tail Boa Feeding (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mw9tn6EHLE)

That is a great idea I might take up myself. My dam Grumpy won't eat f/t and misses a lot, a nice, soft crib side might be the great idea.

I'm glad she figured it out and took care of it, a mouse is a little small for that snake, but it's gotten a lot bigger since last I saw it, though.

Edit: Somewhat funny seeing the hazards of being in an electric wheelchair and owning a snake. Never expected that problem.

Edit2: The baby crib that I thought that was is some deep rubbermaid, good idea still. I'm still robbing my baby crib idea.