View Full Version : odd boa

10-11-07, 05:56 PM
hi, when my new bcc feeds he doesnt constrict the mouse, he just bites and swallows. Simillar to that of my kingsnakes. Is this unusual for a boa?

The Snake Guru
10-11-07, 08:16 PM
Not nessicarily....if he's used to F/T food, a lot of times they won't bother to constrict it.


01-16-08, 03:13 PM
hi lad this shouldn't bother u I've seen this in my snakes and i think its just they get older an know that they don't have 2 u could give it the next size up 2 c what happens but don't worry as long as they keep eating

01-16-08, 10:51 PM
my amazons and madgascan tree boas do that! My female madagascan wants me to hold the rats for her whilst she eats them(with forceps of course) It takes a lot of energy to constrict even a dead rat or mouse so they must think why bother well you know what i mean! at leats it eating so thats a good thing!

01-16-08, 11:43 PM
That is normal I have 3 boa's that do that and my Burm she does it as well.

01-17-08, 05:45 AM
Its completely normal,, no worries. They get used to it, they know its already dead, why waste the energy...lol