View Full Version : help?

09-18-07, 03:29 PM
about 2 days ago my emperor suddenly decided to become aggressive as a hardcore-feminist with pms and i have no idea why. also he hasn't been eating for about 3 days, maybe there is a connection somehow?
my wild guess is he is about to molt and wants to be alone.. ?

does anyone know why he's so aggressive all of a sudden?

09-19-07, 01:22 AM
anyone? please help.

09-19-07, 01:44 AM
now he's way too calm.. doesn't even care if i touch his stinger. barely moves.
is he sick?
i'm really worried.. can anyone help??

09-20-07, 12:48 AM
Try a search on google and see if you cannot find a good care sheet or forum for the species you have.
Sorry I couldn't be more help