View Full Version : Morphs

12-18-02, 07:55 PM

Can you tell me what morphs are recessive and which are co-dominant plz.

Is Blizzard a recessive gene? If i breed a blizzard to a normal high-yellow, I will get 100% normal het for blizzard right?



12-19-02, 01:33 PM
To the best of my knowledge, all morphs (other than normal) are recessive.

Yes, blizzard is recessive -- so if you bred your blizzard to your high yellow, you would get 100% normals who were het for blizzard. If you then bred one of those babies back to its blizzard parent, you would have a chance of producing blizzards (50% hets, 50% blizzards). Same if you bred 2 of the 100% het siblings together, although there's a smaller chance of producing a blizzard that way (25% Normals, 50% hets, 25% blizzards) -- in this case, there is no way of distinguishing between the normals & the hets produced without breeding them back to either a known het, or an actual blizzard.

HTH a little, and didn't confuse you too much :) Check out http://www.geneticswizard.com ... I find it very helpful :)

01-07-03, 10:37 PM
Man that geneticswizard make me feel like going back to school I was lost (six beers later also)