View Full Version : Information about myself and my snake :]

09-03-07, 09:07 AM
So my name is Jamie, im 16 i own a california king snake :] shes my baby her name is Roxy. im not sure how old she is but i got her 5.5.07 and she was less then 2 feet long. Now of course shes 2 foot even <3
I don't know a whole lot about california king snakes so if any one knows about them please Private message me about them lol id love some help. Shes pretty tame, she will not let anyone else get her out of her cage though besides me, shes bit my brother over 5 times course if i was her id bite him too lol. :3eyes:

09-05-07, 09:34 AM
Hello, I also own a solitary Californian King snake. it is about that size if not a little longer. I refer to it as an "it" because I do not know the sex of the snake. This snake doesn't ever bite but it will rattle, musk and make a fuss if uncomfortable. It also has some sort of birthmark on the last third of its body.

This snake only seems to let me remove it from the terrarium. When my sister tried it complained by musking which it hasn't done to me in years. I guessed it is the way I hold the snake, and my method of stroking it inside the terrarium beforehand to let it know I am going to pick it up. There could easily be another explanation.

I was under the impression that snakes had very simple minds. Can a snake recognize a handler and remember the care they received from that handler?

The Snake Guru
09-05-07, 08:29 PM
Welcome to the forum!