View Full Version : CLOROX Disinfectent Safe?

08-22-07, 02:54 PM
Today i asked my mom before she went to the store to get a cleaning product that is 3% bleach so that i can use it to clean the snakes cage which im doing tomorrow. When she returned she said there was nothing there with 3% but she got the new CLOROX Disinfecting Kitchen cleaner which kills 99.9% of germs(why she bought it) and it also says its bleach free. I was just wondering would this be safe to clean with for my ball pythons cage? I'd rather be safe then sorry!

08-22-07, 03:09 PM
Clorox Disinfectant , may have other unsafe chemicals in it, read the labels well. Especially if theres ammonia in it. I would stick to using a 10% bleach sollution and the rest just HOT WATER. RINSE WELL, then air dry for a few hours.Last but not least take paper towels, and or a hand towel and wipe the areas needed ,to put a final dry on things.

Feel free to ask any other questions, your friend at the massachussetts , harwich animal hospital,... tl2iumph

The Snake Guru
08-22-07, 04:04 PM
Yeah I'm not sure if you want to do that one, I'm not sure what is in that one.

Why not just use a diluted bleach solution? Mix 1 part bleach to 3 parts water....I've used that for years. Just make sure that it's all cleaned up and dryed out from the tank before you put him back in. You can keep the bleach solution in a water spray bottle that you can find in any gardening department.

P.S Sorry looks like someone beat me to this already. LOL


08-22-07, 09:53 PM
lol i guess you can't beat um all but i did find a special kind of cleaning agent specially made for Herps that can be purchased at petco! maybe ill try this

08-25-07, 05:46 AM
check and see if it has phoels(sp) dont use it if it has them.

08-25-07, 10:01 AM
Don't waste your money on "specially made herp-cleaning formula" crap. Go into your moms laundry room and take a quarter cup of bleach and add it to a liter of cold water. Voila!!! the worlds best cleaner at 1-2 cents per liter.