View Full Version : Pure Okeetee and Lavender Corn mating
08-16-07, 11:33 AM
If a pure Okeetee and a Lavender corn were to mate, would all babies from the first clutch of eggs be just Okeetees?
What morphs would result if those babies were to be mated to each other?
Thank you.
The Snake Guru
08-16-07, 11:55 AM
I forget what the Lavender Morph is, but I believe it's a simple if you bred those together you get all normal looking corns that were 100% het for Lavender.
Breeding the 100% hets together would yield very low percentages of Lavenders, some Hets (normal looking/het for Lav.), and some non trait carriers (normals). Would actually be better to take one of the 100% Het babies and cross it back into the parent Lavender or get another Lavender of an outcrossed line (what I would do).
08-16-07, 12:44 PM
Pretty much as Brad has stated, I should point out that none of the babies would be "Okeetees" though unless the Lavender used was an "Okeetee Lavender" if such a thing even exists? (not likely) More often than not "Okeetee" is a name thrown on nice normals for marketing purposes. Unless the actual line can be proven to orginate from wild caught stock that was actually collected in the Okeetee region, they are not "Okeetees". "Okeetee" is not a "morph" but a "locale". ;) Mark
The Snake Guru
08-16-07, 12:55 PM
Very good point Mark!
That is a local specific Corn, which referes to snakes that "tend" to have black outlining on the saddles and deeper orange and red coloration.....but as already stated by Mark a lot of marketing and non local specific breeding has really blurred that line. LOL
08-16-07, 01:30 PM
If I was looking to buy real Okeetees I would likely go thru someone such as Kathy Love where you know the linage is "true". I think the term "reverse Okeetee" for the albinos of is far more "abused" even. How does one get "reverse Okeetees" without starting with "Okeetees"??? LOL Mark
08-16-07, 01:34 PM
What about mating a Lavender and a Snow corn then? What would the resulting babies be?
Thanks again!
The Snake Guru
08-17-07, 02:18 AM
Normal looking Double Hets I think......I'm not sure if the snow gene works the same way in corns as it does in boas. If it does you would actually get Normal Looking Triple Hets....Het for Lavender, Albino, and Anerythristic.
If it's a simple recessive (which I'm not sure if it is or not) Then you would just get Normal Looking Corns Double Het for Lavender and Snow. And if memory serves I believe there are actually 2 types of snow corns...the Normal snow, and the Blizzard?
08-17-07, 02:39 AM
Thanks again, Brad! :D
The Snake Guru
08-17-07, 12:08 PM
No worries!
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