View Full Version : Few Pictures of my Dwarf Caiman

08-15-07, 02:53 PM




08-15-07, 02:55 PM




08-15-07, 02:56 PM




The Snake Guru
08-15-07, 03:09 PM
That's awesome man! Love those guys....someday, someday!
they look great!


08-15-07, 03:23 PM
There was a pet store around me that sold them for 200 bucks. At 6 to 8 inches. wasn't to bad. They grow really really slow tho. Well he has so far.

The Snake Guru
08-15-07, 07:55 PM
$200 bucks ain't bad at all man! Think you made out good on that! Very cool shots man! Always love seeing stuff like that!


08-15-07, 09:47 PM
200 for a dwarf species? That's pretty hard to come by I'd say! Congrats on that snag. You're right. From what I've been told of keepers of the dwarfs, they tend to grow at an exetremely slow rate.

08-15-07, 10:01 PM
Yea he is starting to out grow his enclosure, he is in a 65 gallon tank at the moment. Goin to build him one bigger, soon enough anyway. He really doesn't like to pose for the camera tho. I tried to get a shot or 2 of him eating the steak, but soon as he gets it, it is gone fast. I will try to get a vid of him eating the steak, in a couple of weeks.

10-12-07, 08:47 AM

10-12-07, 07:04 PM
I really wnat one of those in a bad way. We just don't have the room yet for a pond once it gets full grown.

10-12-07, 09:13 PM
I want one to!!! Very cute!

10-12-07, 11:05 PM
Yea he just loves to be layed on his back and his belly rubbed...NOT. But he is really awsome and he will attack anything that moves into his cage..Even tries to chase the probe on the thermometer. LoL. Cant wait for his new cage to be completed.. I think I will get an A1 rating from everyone. Lol.

10-13-07, 10:38 PM
Why would you want another monitor when you have a cute little button like him!?!!?!?!?

10-14-07, 12:50 AM
Actually my mother has given me 5 new animals. And because the lack of room I must downgrade some stuff LoL. i will be getting rid of my tarantula, leopard geckos. and possibly my ATB. Sucks but i have limited space and a few snakes going to get big.

10-14-07, 12:55 AM
I was just wondering im moving my caiman to a new cage in the next couple of weeks. Upgrading him to a 6x2x3 foot cage. Will be around 2 feet deep in water. Anyone know of a GREAT filter that would work for a REALLY REALLY messy eater. I have just a regular in tank filter now..Its ok but I want somthing that will Clean clean clean.lol any suggestions?

12-07-07, 09:51 AM
i bought 2 specticaled caiman in munster Germany and they cost me 300 euros each. i dont know what the exchange rate is but i think you got the better deal. do you need a license for those in the u.s as i'm in the u.k at the moment and you do here? nice croc by the way hes cute. mine are nasty little things that started off as angels but when they got over 1.5 meters they seem to become a hell of a lot smarter. as for the filter i use a top of the range jewel filter but i still have to clean their pond once a month. i found that giving them rodents does increase their grow a lot. at first i gave them fish and the odd frog but as soon as i gave them rodents you could see the difference in months. they are dirty feeders, i have 3 altogether that are housed in the same pond and believe me its worth buying the best filter you can get. good luck

05-19-08, 03:54 PM
Anbody know where i can find a dawrf camman on the inernet there's not a lot of places to buy cammans in bay city

08-24-08, 04:09 PM
looks awesome!

01-21-09, 10:58 PM
I'm so dieing to buy me one =/

01-23-09, 09:26 PM
Tristan, Bay City where? You may be able to find a place near you even though not in your city.