View Full Version : leopard gecko question

07-30-07, 04:49 PM
I've had 2 of them for a few years now and one just recently passed away. they were raised together and when i found them they were left for dead. i am wondering if anyone knows how the other gecko will react to being alone now? will he require special attention? and is it smart to get another one and keep them in the same cage?


07-30-07, 07:23 PM
Definately not wise to add another to the enclosure, since you have no idea what caused the other one to die, could be parasites, housing errors, age, millions of possibilities, till you narrow down the cause I wouldnt suggest tossing another one in, also if its male you would have to be sure not to get another male, the female you are to get would have to be simmilar in size to the one you allready have, and to answer your question on if your little leo will miss the other or not... Nope, for the most part leos are pretty solitary animals, and try not to concern yourself with there feelings and emotions, good luck in your choices and happy herping

07-31-07, 05:18 PM
Reptiles as a rule are not social animals. They don't need companions. And I agree since you don't know what caused the death of the one, putting another in that same tank now would not be wise.