View Full Version : Collection is growing

07-04-07, 12:27 PM
Hey all I jsut thought I would let you all know that my trade went seccessfully. I now have 1.0 DH Ghost Boa, 0.2 het anery boas, as well as 1.2 het albino boas as well as my male granite burm, 110 gal saltwater tank with a lunare wrasse, a harlequin sweetlips, a picasso trigger, a dogface puffer, 5 assorted damsels, a snowflake eel and a banded eal, two serpent star fish and 5 red legged hermit crabs. and lastly a rose hair tarantuala. I have some pics but need to take some more since the files are too big unless someone can educate me on how to make the ones I have smaller...lol. Thanks Todd

07-04-07, 05:13 PM
upload the pics to photobucket or the like and it will auto-resize for the forums.....Nice collection by the way!
