View Full Version : Is this normal?

07-04-07, 10:25 AM
:confused:I feed my baby balll python fuzzies twice a week( Saturday+Wednesday) He ate one today and he hasent gone into any of his shelters to digest it. I just wanted to know if this is normal or is he still hungry? I also forget to mention that hes pretty active.

The Snake Guru
07-04-07, 10:43 AM
They don't always run and hide after a meal. LOL They sometimes will sit out and bask working to digest it quicker.


07-04-07, 10:49 AM
i forgot say that he was pretty active after his meal

The Snake Guru
07-04-07, 10:58 AM
youngsters usually are....just because they look like they are hungry, doesn't mean you should keep feeding them.


07-04-07, 11:02 AM
Likely hungry still, very small meal for a baby BP. I fed my baby BPs here last night & they ate 2 large hoppers each & were looking for more. I fed fuzzies last week & fed 3 at a time & they could/would have took more. They can take large weanlings or small adults within the first month or so. I'd say bump the prey size up to large hoppers & feed every 5-7 days. Remember with Boids a general rule of thumb is prey items at least the same girth of the snake or upto 1.5 times the widest girth. Mark

07-04-07, 01:04 PM
i would give it tree hoppers and check if the shelter temp is ok

The Snake Guru
07-04-07, 02:42 PM
or upto 1.5 times the widest girth. Mark

Actually not recomended for young snakes (1.5 times the widest girth)

07-04-07, 04:05 PM
Actually not recomended for young snakes (1.5 times the widest girth)
~B~ I agree Brad, but many don't. Even with my bigger Pythons I usually don't go that big. I prefer to go with the same girth & use 2-3 prey items if going for a big meal. Rather than 1 huge item. Mark

07-04-07, 06:10 PM
i rather develop size at the begining obviouly trying to no overfed them the animal will show you his needs

The Snake Guru
07-04-07, 09:50 PM
I agree Brad, but many don't. Even with my bigger Pythons I usually don't go that big. I prefer to go with the same girth & use 2-3 prey items if going for a big meal. Rather than 1 huge item. Mark

Well that is certainly true! It always has been one of those issues that everyone has the right answer for. Ah well what are you going to do!? I sually keep youngsters on a single prey item thickest part of the body every 7 days for at least 8 months.

i rather develop size at the begining obviouly trying to no overfed them the animal will show you his needs

This is also very true....every species has differnt requirements and differnt metabolisms....BPs for example have a low metabolism, and a low activity level so they tend not need as much food as say a young boa constrictor, or Retic. If you snake is getting "fat rolls" your feeding them to much....snakes are supposed to be sleek streamlined, not chunky. LOL


07-05-07, 09:19 AM
:confused:I feed my baby balll python fuzzies twice a week( Saturday+Wednesday) He ate one today and he hasent gone into any of his shelters to digest it. I just wanted to know if this is normal or is he still hungry? I also forget to mention that hes pretty active.

This is pretty much normal I have a ghost ball python and he does this all the time. Maybe you can upgrade to hoppers:) Your snake will be fine.

07-05-07, 02:55 PM
Most of the time people follows rules describe on books but in my case i give as much food they ask sometimes when they are youngers if you want to accelerate the growing proccess you could overfeed them once every three weeks and you'll see the develop but as guru say it's depends on the specie if you do that with a burmese be prepared for a future monster LOL

07-06-07, 02:24 PM
ive tried gettin hoppers at a petco near me but they dont have any... : ( but does anyone kno sites where u can buy them and have them shipped to you if there is one?

The Snake Guru
07-07-07, 04:42 PM
There are several Frozen thawed sites where you can rodents from, Rodnet pro, American Rodent Supply....just type in Frozen Mice and it should pop up a few, only problem is you have to order quite a few hoppers to make it worth it on the shipping! LOL

I know of no "live" suppliers that ship.


07-07-07, 07:23 PM
thank you guru. once again youve givin me good information and thank you everyone else!

The Snake Guru
07-07-07, 10:39 PM
No problem man, only glad I could help.
