View Full Version : new cages new pics of the snake room

06-30-07, 11:30 AM
well after a long 12 hour hot as hell day at work on thursday i went home ate took a shower check the board checked the snakes and then i drove from my house to fred's(ffollet) house down in florida i left my house at 1am friday morning and got to his house around 8 am loaded the explorer with two 6 foot visions inside and a 3 footer strapped to the roof we went inside checked out his retic which is awesome saw some boas blahhh(sorry boa people i just don't do boas) and looked in on one of the craziest kingsnakes on the planet(crazy in a bad way) then i got in the truck around 9:45 am to drive home and this is were it got fun NOT!

well i don't know how many of you have tried to cram two 6 foot visions in an explorer but it leaves very little room for anything else and let's just say chaulk one up for the short folks here because you tall ones would not be able to drive hell i had a hard time i was all up on the steering wheel and worse yet the truck is a stickshift sound fun well i am not done yet i got on the raod to drive back and well i was catching a little wind resistance with the vision on top and although fred and i tied that puppy down and it was not going anywhere without taking the roof with it i did not want to loose the roof so it was 60-70 mph the whole way home so i drove and drove and drove i made it home last night around 4:45pm.

then i could not wait to set the stuff up so we scrubbed the cages sprayed them down with mite spray just in case then we rearanged the room set everyone up and then went to bed at excactly midnight. well i got up and snapped a few pictures as you can see in the pictures two of the snakes are quite upset with all the moving that is why the towels are over two cages i pulled the towel off Ann for just a secind and well you can see her strike pose anyway sorry for writing a book but thought if you all could get a laugh out of my misfortune it was worth it...





The Snake Guru
06-30-07, 12:12 PM
They are looking great man! That room certainly has changed over the last few years!


06-30-07, 12:52 PM
You should have seen us loading them. The whole time Lori was watching us saying it wouldn't work. We made it work just to prove her wrong.

The Snake Guru
06-30-07, 11:23 PM
LOL....women, what do they know anyway? Too funny.

I always say....."Where's there's a will, there's a way!


07-01-07, 07:08 AM
and when there is rope you can load anything.