View Full Version : Why can i hear my snake breathing?

06-25-07, 11:15 AM
my ball python is making weird sounds that sound like breathing and i dont know why. the temperature is always between 80-90 and humidity is 50-60. I use aspen snake bedding, have 2 hide boxes on each side(one is a humdity box with sphagnum moss inside) and a big enough bowl for him to soak in. Does anyone know what could be causing it or is it normal?

The Snake Guru
06-25-07, 11:27 AM
Is it able to heard all the time? Or is it sporatic like when you first approach him?

The Sporatic breathing is just something a lot of snakes do, the kind of lowly huff and puff, you can actaully see there side puffing out when they do this.

However if it's all the time, could be RI, I take him to the vet and a culture done, RIs are fairly common with Imported balls, even if the temps are correct, is it an import? Better check it out though, they shouldn't have labored or audible breathing unless they are hissing at you in a defensive posture.


06-25-07, 12:57 PM
its only when i approach him so it must sporatic thanks for the help

The Snake Guru
06-25-07, 04:55 PM
Well here's hoping.

Keep an eye on it though if you start seeing him blow bubbles, or gape breathing...get him into the vet quick, the bubble blowing is one of the first signs of a respitory issue.


06-26-07, 09:13 PM
like all school rise up the tempeture check the mouth as thr snakeguru said take it to the vet this coud be neumonia try to rise a little bit more and remove the aspen put it on newspaper or towels papers