View Full Version : Anaconda Corner Cage
The Snake Guru
06-19-07, 11:26 PM
8 foot Yellow Anaconda Corner cage.
06-20-07, 02:00 AM
SO is it difficult to clean at all with the corner?
The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 02:55 PM
It is a little bit of reach to the back corner, but it isn't too bad, both the front panels are doors so it's a rather open design.
06-21-07, 02:44 PM
Your work is nice Brad!
Your cages are stunning...
Take care!
06-21-07, 02:55 PM
That's an amazing design - your cages are fantastic!
The Snake Guru
06-21-07, 03:48 PM
Thank you much!
Soon I'll have that room done so I'll be able to post updated pics, I made matching cages to the Anacondas and filled up the entire wall. Going to be great when it's all done.
07-27-07, 02:51 PM
i love that viv its fab well done! it beats being stuck in a drawer!!!
The Snake Guru
07-27-07, 03:05 PM
Well thank you much!
Yeah we don't keep snakes in drawers around here, I hate rubbermaid racks with a passion! LOL
07-27-07, 03:29 PM
i know how you feel Brad! i keep babies in modified candy jars because if i use anything bigger they wont feedand even my adults prefer the much larger plastic tubs i was horrified by how quickly went down after i put them in their new vivs so i had to do what i had to do! like i said on my other posts my mtbs and my htbs are in as natural as possible!
07-27-07, 06:48 PM
Excellent looking enclosure!!! Very nice.
What are the complete demensions?
07-27-07, 08:15 PM
Sweet looking cage!! How long did it take you to do this one?
The Snake Guru
07-27-07, 09:25 PM
i know how you feel Brad! i keep babies in modified candy jars because if i use anything bigger they wont feedand even my adults prefer the much larger plastic tubs i was horrified by how quickly went down after i put them in their new vivs so i had to do what i had to do! like i said on my other posts my mtbs and my htbs are in as natural as possible!
Yeah I knew a guy who kept in snake in a rubbermaid rack, and while short term use may be okay.....a few weeks in in my enclosures and they absolutely shined! It was an amazing turn around in all around color and activity....I think they can be used under the proper conditions....I just don't like them.
Excellent looking enclosure!!! Very nice.
What are the complete demensions?
Thank you very much! The total dimensions would equal out to a 8ftx2ftx2ft cage.
Sweet looking cage!! How long did it take you to do this one?
Thanks! Ohhhhh all together perhaps 16 hours? Give or take.....been getting quicker at it in my old age! LOL
07-28-07, 04:49 AM
the Mtbs And the Htbs took to them like ducks to water probably because they are less dependent on humidity than the Amazons i think that was the big problem i didnt have the vivs set up right you think i would after 22 years but no im keepinp my amazons indoors now the others are in the garage in the vivs you saw!
The Snake Guru
07-28-07, 11:31 AM
LOL, well hard to say man, but you got them squared away now, and that is what matters!
07-28-07, 05:41 PM
i still think you need to send that cage to me :yes:
07-28-07, 06:52 PM
How is he goin to send it to you , after he sends it to me? :confused:
The Snake Guru
07-28-07, 08:14 PM
Cost you guys more to ship it than it would just to build it yourself! LOL
07-29-07, 01:27 AM
HaHa. Thats probably true. BUT if you paid for the shipping to my house then it would be cheaper. LoL j/king
The Snake Guru
07-29-07, 11:06 AM
LOL....I don't see exactly how I would making out on that deal? LOL
07-29-07, 12:38 PM
Well it would give you more to do, Building a new cage that is. LoL Was wondering do you use plexi glass or regular glass for your cages? or does it depend on the snake inside?
The Snake Guru
07-29-07, 01:11 PM
Always use plexi-glass or Lexan on the larger snake cages....I abhore glass, it breaks to easy. And some of snakes get quite aggressiveduring feeding time, I've had them mess up thier nose when striking at the front of the cage...plexi has some give to it so they hurt themselves.
08-23-07, 04:33 PM
again...i am going to go cower in a corner...yours are so nice! what do you build them from? it looks like wood...
The Snake Guru
08-23-07, 06:40 PM
LOL....well thanks! I appreciate the compliment. Yup they are all wood....well except for the plexi-glass front. 2x2 frame with Pliewood for the sides.
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