View Full Version : Didn't know.....

The Snake Guru
06-19-07, 12:20 AM
Well I didn't really know where to put these but they are more closely related to boas than anything else....

Yellow Anaconda:

And something you don't see everyday...Sunbeam Snake:

06-20-07, 02:07 PM
Very nice conda!!

The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 02:14 PM
Why thank you! She's a very pretty girl, but she still has her "anaconda" days..LOL Meaning she's rather not be bothered.


06-20-07, 02:17 PM
Why thank you! She's a very pretty girl, but she still has her "anaconda" days..LOL Meaning she's rather not be bothered.


Don't all females? haha

The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 02:18 PM
LOL....well I wasn't going to say it! LOL I know how that game goes!


06-20-07, 04:33 PM
Brad, have you dealt with greens as well as yellows. How do their temperments compare to the likes of tics or Rocks. I love the condas but never personally dealt with them. Thinking about it for the future though. Todd

06-20-07, 06:57 PM
That's an awesome sunbeam - they are one of the coolest looking snakes out there - so very plain, and so very not at the same time :)

And it goes with out saying, but i'll do it anyway - beautiful conda!

The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 07:05 PM
Brad, have you dealt with greens as well as yellows. How do their temperments compare to the likes of tics or Rocks. I love the condas but never personally dealt with them. Thinking about it for the future though. Todd

I've only dealth with Greens in more of a messing around with them from people I know that have them, type of deal. I've never actually owned one myself. However from everyone I've talked to and my own experience Anaconda temperments vary greatly, the thing to remember is even a good natured Anaconda is never a totally trust worthy snake, I've seen supposively "TAME" (not my words) anacondas go from calm and docile to agressive and striking at everything that moves in seconds with no apparent reason, it's just like when they have had enough they have had enough and they let you know it!

I consider Nyxie to be a rather good natured anaconda, I can handle her without getting bit, and she usually gets really squirmy when she's had enough instead of biting, but I don't push her when she gets like that she goes back in the enclosure.

I would say if you are thinking about getting into Anacondas get a Yellow First and see if you can deal with them, Female Yellows still attain fairly good sizes and lengths of up to 12 feet, much more bulky than boas as well. Something I will tell you is Anacondas have a much higher metabolism than other boids, and thier feces absolutely reek! It's nasty and that is no lie....after keeping my yellow I'm glad that I have her, but it would take quite a bit for me to buy a Green, I just can't imagine dealing with a temperment like that and deffication like that on something that could ultimately weigh 200 to 300 lbs.

Hope that answers your question, I got a little long winded there so if you'd like further explanation on something just ask.


The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 07:07 PM
That's an awesome sunbeam - they are one of the coolest looking snakes out there - so very plain, and so very not at the same time :)

And it goes with out saying, but i'll do it anyway - beautiful conda!

Thank you much, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics!
the Sunbeam is very unique....the irridecents in them are absolutely amazing...if you've never seen them in person...try.... it's truely neat!


06-20-07, 08:12 PM
thanks for your input. I will keep your advice and when the time comes, more importantly the room, I will definitely start off with yellows

The Snake Guru
06-20-07, 08:20 PM
thanks for your input. I will keep your advice and when the time comes, more importantly the room, I will definitely start off with yellows

Happy to help man. They are a niffty breed.....pretty slow growing too, my female is almost 4 years old now and just hitting the 6 foot mark.
Anyway, they are pretty neat but not for everyone.


06-20-07, 08:28 PM
I'd just jump for the green lol. But that's me. I've had very limited experience with greens and nothing of a large size. They seem to be pretty easily calmed down and can easily live without a massive tub in their enclosure.