View Full Version : Ozzie Newbie

06-18-07, 07:55 PM
Hello Everyone...

First of all I typed out my intro and seemed to have press the wrong button and now i have to do it all over again LOL....

I am an avid herper from Townsville, North QLD in Aus...

My collection so far includes...
Zenn - Bredli - morelia bredli
Opiate - Murray Darling Carpet - morelia spilota metcalfi
Taj & Isis - Kuranda/Julatten Black & White Jungle - morelia spilota cheynei
Dynamite - Darwin Carpet - morelia spilota variegata
Sway (hypo), Mr Jiggy (hypo 'bare back') and Karma (striped) - Coastal Carpets - morelia spilota mcdowelli
Hydra - Water Python QLD Form - liais fuscus
Unnamed Woma Python- aspidites ramsayi
Kyuss - Black Headed Python (yet to be born but ordered) - aspidites melanocepahlus

I also look after my housemate/best friends collection for about 6mths of the year.....

I have a question for you yankees...... is your hobby really in such a mess??? the general assumption of your hobby in oz is that it is impossible to find pure and/or locale specific herps as the hobby is plagued with only hybirds etc.... personally i love hybrids but you can't say that in the oz hobby LOL

I do have lots of pics.... i will share shortly....

Looking forward to having a squiz at these forums...


06-18-07, 09:41 PM
Well from my reading of forums is that there is or tends to be a lot of hybridization but the people I know who do it, mark them as so. That way there aren't any without being labelled a hybrid. I have also read awhile ago a lot of diamond pythons being bred to jungle carpets and being sold again as diamonds. I only heard it, and I don't have any proof. Besides I'm in Canada... I wouldn't truely know the status of the American hobby.

06-18-07, 10:26 PM
Hi Cass!
You'r not keeping any oz monitor?

06-18-07, 10:32 PM
No not yet :no:..... but i have 2 blue tongue lizards and a central bearded dragon.....

I'll get there though.... trouble is i'm renting and i want to build a huge moniter pit/outdoor enclosure.... so i have to wait :mad:

06-19-07, 11:23 AM
There is some validity to your statement in regards to certain species. Diamonds of pure lineage are hard to find. And locale specefic chondros are hard to find. What we get is ARU-like or Biak-like. Not many breeders can ensure their lineage to be pure locale specific so instead of misleading the general populace they sell them as I described. Now as far as hybrids go they are not all that prevelant as a whole. The diamonds have been crossed with carpets like previously stated and indian pythons have been crossed with burms or rocks(Due to the cites requirements), however you will find that the majority of the practice does not necassarily agree wit hthe practice of mixing species or even sub-species. Todd

06-19-07, 04:52 PM
The pure diamond python lines are getting quite hard to find over here as well, which is disappointing and people tend to hide them as 'natural intergrades' because in nothern new south wales the species overlap and frequently cross breed in the wild.

So is it hard to find a pure ball python or corn snake etc??? or is our hobby really just assuming that all herps in the american hobby are hybrids???

06-19-07, 08:28 PM
You're assuming all snakes are hybrids. It's moreso just the species that are hard to tell when it's a cross. Carpets are probably the biggest. Some people have crossed ball pythons with bloods,the super ball, but you can tell that they aren't one or the other.

Cornsnakes, to my knowledge, have some hybridization, the creamsicle morph. From what I've heard it's an albino great plains ratsnake crossed with a cornsnake. I could very well be wrong though. I was told recently it's just two corn morphs combined.

The Snake Guru
06-19-07, 08:55 PM
I have to agree, while the US is hell bent on morphs, I actually don't think it is that hard to find pure locals, in fact a lot of breeders are going back to it now a days.

The ball python thing, there are definitely more pure BPs out there than hybrids, in fact the only ones I know of are the BloodxBall (SuperBall) and there was rumor of a BurmesexBall saw pics, I wasn't quite convinced but I suppose anything is possible.

And the corns, yeah the great plains rat was used as the primer to kick start the morphs on that one, but more of an integrade and not a Hybrid.

Just my take on the subject.

06-19-07, 11:03 PM
I've seen pics of a burm copulating with a ball python. I don't remember what happened with it though. I think it was on the Bob Clark Forums that I saw it.

The Snake Guru
06-19-07, 11:21 PM
Yeah that's just so ridiculas I'm not even getting into that! LOL Ahhh well to each his own I guess.


06-20-07, 01:30 AM
I guess not. I've seen a pic of a supposed Brazillian rainbow and an anaconda. I believe a green one too!