View Full Version : indonesian tree boa

05-16-07, 03:09 AM
I recently bought a three day old now 6 day old indonesian tree boa. i have had a gtp in the past so i understand the basic principals of arborial snakes. i have one question. is it a bad idea to attempt to use a hornd worm for its first meal? or should i stick to the pinky/ tree frog routine?

05-17-07, 10:03 PM
i also have a indonesian tree boa. i offered pinkies at first and he didnt take it. they do love small frogs and lizards try a frog at first. they will definatley take frogs and lizards. then if u want move into pinkies, that is what i did hope it works

05-19-07, 03:11 AM
thank you so much for the reply i bought him at 3 days knowing the risk involved and i am trying to touch up on anything i am not sure of. he is responding well to his surroundings, finding common areas to be in depending upon time of day. my first concern is keeping him alive. i just hope i am doing this all right

05-20-07, 08:49 PM
just make sure the temperature is around 88 degres faranheit. and he has places to hide. how big is the tank you are keeping him in? Later on he will need stuff to climb on. indonesian tree boas are really cool snakes, docile and are pretty hearty, im sure it is a good fit.

05-21-07, 12:48 PM
First off the snake is 6 days old & shouldn't be getting offered any prey yet. It should be left alone totally until it has had its first shed. I would give it a week after its first shed alone & then offer it a live P preferably in its own enviroment. It should be kept in something small such as a shoe box rubbermaid until established feeding. I would not even try frogs etc. except as a last resort. Only interact with it to change water etc. for the first month or 2 until established feeding. Its very likely it won't even takew food for the first month, don't try more than once every 5-7 days, trying more often will just stress it out. Do you have experience establishing baby snakes, in particular this type of snake? For a breeder to sell it at 3 days old prior first shed or any feedings is somewhat irresponsible on their behalf unless being sold to another experienced breeder. I would forget all about the worms etc. & stick to rodents as they are your best bet. Later if required go to other prey to establish it. Mark