View Full Version : Hey everyone, New guy here :)

04-15-07, 08:01 AM
Hey, everyone :)
I just joined...it's good to be here.
I've been into reptiles for many years, but haven't had
any lately (in an apartment)
Let's see..in snakes, I'm partial to the comstrictors.
I've never done 'hot' yet, but someday...
I look forward to being here :)

04-15-07, 02:40 PM

Let me be the first to welcome to the forum. I know what you mean about not being allowed to have pets living in an apartment, but I have lived in a couple that allowed me to have my snakes. Of course It always helps when there is a high vacancy rate at the time, and they really need renters.


04-16-07, 12:48 AM
Even apartments that don't allow pets per se, will allow aquariums. Generally with pets they are reffering to cats and dogs and such. You should specificly ask about caged animals and aquariums. You still might get told no, but it never hurts to ask. I had one such apartment with a no pets policy allow my GF's rabbit because it is a caged animal, and not free roaming.