View Full Version : how big......?

12-16-02, 08:39 AM
my snake is roughly 22" and the girth of my baby finger right now and was born in july (5 months old). How big should he be at a year old...and is he a good size right now?
he is eating 2 f/t pinkies every 4 days. and when should i introduce him to fuzzies?

12-16-02, 09:48 AM
Pinkies provide very little nutrients/calcium compared to fuzzies. Your corn is about the size of a few of mine and mine are having no trouble with fuzzies. I'd say you could make the jump to fuzzies anytime now.:)

Some people on this site had suggested that they get their snakes on fuzzies as soon as possible and even by the snake's sixth meal which may seem like a stretch given how small corns can be. In my experience, the snakes who have been on fuzzies longer have shown noticeably more growth than those who I have left on pinkies. So, I immediately got the last few on fuzzies a few meals ago and am hoping for some nice growth;)

From the sounds of it, your corn is doing fine as far as size goes.

12-16-02, 11:37 AM
I'm the one that moves them up quick, my neos are all at the 30-35 gram size and were born late July. I do space the meals out farther 5-7 days between depending on the animal. I'll probably be moving then to hoppers soon after it warms again and get them all on a 7 day schedule with the rest (mostly lol) of the animals.

12-16-02, 11:43 AM
Yeah, I thought it was you but I wasn't sure.:)

Thanks for the tips Rev!

12-16-02, 03:25 PM
my new snake is 1 foot long....how old do you think it is? and what should it be eating right now?lizards?baby frogs?and when could i put it on pinkies?

12-17-02, 05:15 PM
They can eat pinks from the start, if shes really little just get really little pinks. My girl is tiny and ive never given her frogs or lizards

12-17-02, 05:33 PM
I have one that was born Sept 11th and he is on Fuzzys every 5-7 days. He is 18 inches long and the size of my middle fingre around.

My other born the same day is still on pinkies and is only as round as a McDonalds straw. Just under a foot long.

12-21-02, 09:37 AM
It's surprising how much they can stretch. also when they're young we tend to feed them about 2x a week for 1/2 of the first year

12-21-02, 10:05 AM
wow thats a lot of good info

12-28-02, 03:33 PM
I find that pinks are better for very young snakes who's digestion isn't fully up and running yet, however, I feed every 3 - 5 days when they're that little. (I've heard) that the hair is a bit harder to digest, but it's good to get them started on that asap. Mine were all on Fuzzies by 3 months of age. At one year, the ghost gets one f/t small mouse every week and a half and the two-year-olds get one small rat every one and a half to two weeks. The general rule of thumb is that if the lump is gone within 48 hrs, it's the right size. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

12-28-02, 08:09 PM
if the lumps gone in 48 hrs, its the right size

anyone else agree??