View Full Version : Need Help

11-05-06, 09:10 PM
Hi everyone,

Been quite a while since I last posted. I am moving and my new apartment does not allow snakes. I presently have a male Suriname Boa that is about 1.5 years old. He is about 4.5 feet long and eats 1 large rat every two weeks. He is presently kept in a 75 gallon show tank but now must be hidden away in a plastic enclosure because of my living situation. What brand, model, and dimension plastic enclosure ie rubbermaid should I purchase to house this animal to adulthood? How do I set it up for heat, air, and bedding? Is light cycle essential?



12-03-06, 11:58 PM
yes, light cycle isn't totally nessesary if you have red heat lamps, but if they are white yes it is, for air ventalation, put holes on the lid and all of the sides. use heat pads, not rocks, for heat. use some sort of sphagnum moss for compost, good luck.

12-04-06, 09:26 PM
Get the largest rubbermaid you can find and I would strongly recommend securing that lid.

Boa's are nocturnal creatures and do not require UV from white lights, the red bulb would most likely give him away. I would simply utilize an undertank heater attached to a thermostat. Drill holes for ventilation. For substrate I prefer Aspen bedding on my boa, but even newspaper works well.
