View Full Version : Need Advice!

10-21-06, 03:08 PM
My female ball python just hsed a couple of days ago and I noticed when she did that she had scraped herself a little bit trying to get her shin off. The flesh in between her scales was a bit red, and I was worried about her but figured she was just a lil rough and it would go away. This morning I took her out and she has a weird hard patch of skin on her side, about the size of a quarter. It is thick and hard, but it doesn't protrude, and it is ringed with a line of what looks like scaring. I don't know if this is also from scraping, but she didn't have it before she shed, she doesn't have any more, and she has never had this before..........I don't know what to do about it, and if I should take her to get looked at or if it will just heal on its own. Advice?

Thanks Guys

10-21-06, 05:26 PM
Your pic didn't show up. It could be a scab or a piece of stuck shed, or it could be something else completely different. Also, most of the time you can't see the skin between the scales unless it just ate a large meal, and then the red is usually from stretching or rubbing against something rough while stretched out in my experience. If you could try the pic again maybe someone might have better advice.

10-22-06, 05:38 PM
Can anyone possibly give step by step advice on exactly how to post a pic so it will show up on here? I have tried multiple times in different post and it never works, plus I can rarely see pics other ppl try to post. How do those ppl who are sucessful get it to work?