View Full Version : Another meaningless winter breeding.....

12-15-02, 10:33 PM
Maybe they'll actually ovulate before August this year, but I doubt it. Male het-ghost that had a crappy shed (my mistake, as usual) was put in with a new female and it took all of 2 hours to start the mating process. Should be a fun spring, but then again, it might not. Ahhh...... snakes.

Thanks for looking, and good luck to everyone this season (on breeding AND new aquisitions. Remember, its ALL about the animals!).



12-15-02, 10:42 PM
Looking good, I know what you me by the long wait ahead...drives me crazy to. Best of luck


12-15-02, 10:47 PM
Ha ha, thanks! You too man. :D

12-16-02, 05:18 AM
lol congrats Jeffy! :) Hey you say its meaningless but maybe this year your animals will surprise you! :P

12-16-02, 10:17 AM
Well they often surprise me, but not necessarily in a good way! LOL! But its all in good fun. :D

12-28-02, 05:05 AM
As a wise man once said.."it's going to be a great year!":D ..best of luck bud!

12-28-02, 06:36 AM
Heh heh... I'm not so sure about "wise". Definitely smart-*** though, LOL!

Best of luck to you too man! :D

12-28-02, 09:24 AM
My fingers are crossed for ya man:bounce:

12-28-02, 07:25 PM
What colour of ghost is he het for, and do ya have a het female for him yet?

12-28-02, 08:56 PM
wishing you luck jeff.

12-29-02, 12:28 AM
Thanks again Lisa! You are one positive ambre!! I like that!

Scott, I think its orange ghost (Graziani). He came by way of a good fellow named Markus Jayne (heard of him? LOL!). He is also a blushing black-back (as you can see) but Ian and I were mainly interested in the ghost in him!! :D Goal is get that ghost into some pastel babies as soon as we possibly can! No het females as we haven't fully decided what route we're taking. This season we'll probably just use him to create as many 50% as we can, and sell all the males. Its tough though, because we got quite a few females between us now. We also have a 900g pastel that might suprise us too.

Its going to get crazy around here for Ian and I!

Thanks again! :D

Grant vg
12-29-02, 01:45 AM
Hey, best of luck Jeff!
I hope chris is right, it would be nice if it was a good year! :D
You can thank global warming if it aint though :P

12-29-02, 03:54 AM
Ha ha Grant. Or if its good, do we THANK global warming? :-)
