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View Full Version : Invertabrates 4 Sale @ NYR

Mr. Dom
09-23-06, 05:04 PM

We have your staples as well as some interesting rare and uncommon stuff, enjoy.
We are located in Hamilton but pick-ups are available in Toronto if you already know what you want.
10% off if you pick up 3 animals. 15% off purchase of 5 animals or more.
Payment plans are also available.


Acanthoscurria geniculata Brazilian White Knee ¾" $43 1" $45

Aphonopelma anax Texas Tan 1½" $35

Aphonopelma seemanni Costa Rican Stripe Knee 3" $30

Avicularia avicularia South American Pink Toe ½" $25 NEW!

Avicularia braunshauseni Brazilian Goliath Pink Toe ¾" $50

Avicularia laeta Puerto Rican Tree Spider ¼" $50 NEW!

Avicularia versicolor Martinique Tree Spider ¾" $55 NEW!

Brachypelma albopilosum Honduran Curly Hair ½" $15 NEW!

Bracypelma angustum Costa Rican Red 1½" $70 NEW!

Brachypelma emilia Mexican Red Leg ½" $55 NEW!

Brachypelma klassi Mexican Pink ½" $70 NEW!

Brachypelma smithi Mexican Red-Knee ¼" $43

Brachypelma vagans Mexican Red Rump ¼" $15 1" $40

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue 2" $80

Cithariscius crawshayi King Baboon 1" $42

Cyclosternum fasciatum Costa Rican Tiger Rump 1" $45

Cyriocosmus elegans (Tobago) Trinidad Dwarf Tiger Rump ⅛" $90 ¾" $120

Grammostola aureostriata Chaco Golden Knee ¼" $25 ½" $28

Grammostola rosea Chilean Rose Hair ¾" $20 NEW!

Haplopelma lividum Burmese Cobalt Blue ¼" $25 1½" $65 SPECIAL!

Holothele incei Trinidad Dwarf Olive 1½" $65 2" $70 NEW!

Holothele sp. "Aragua" Venezuelan Charcoal ¾" $30 NEW!

Lasiodora difficilis Brazilian Red Leg 1" $40 SPECIAL!

Lasiodora klugi Bahia Scarlet Birdeater 1" $65

Lasiodora parahybana Campina Grande Salmon Pink Birdeater ¼" $45 NEW!

Megaphobema robustum Columbian Giant Red Leg 2" $125

Nhandu chromatus Brazilian White Stripe Birdeater ⅛" $25 1" $55

Orphnaecus sp. Philippine Rust Orange 2" $65

Poecilotheria formosa Salem Ornamental 3" $110

Poecilotheria miranda Bengal Four Spotted Ornamental 1½" $265 3" $300

Poecilotheria ornata Ornate Ornamental 3" $80

Poecilotheria pederseni Pedersen's Ghost Ornamental 3" $90

Poecilotheria regalis Indian Ornamental 4-5" $100 NEW!

Poecilotheria rufilata Redslate/Olive Ornamental 1½" $90 2" $95

Poecilotheria striata Mysore Ornamental 2" $120

Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli Tigris Ornamental 1½" $550 RARE!

Psalmopoeus irminia Venezuelan Sun Tiger 1" $35 NEW!

Psalmopoeus pulcher Panama Blonde 2" $45

Pterinochilus chordatus Mt. Kilimanjaro Mustard Baboon ½" $35 NEW!

Pterinochilus lugardi Fort Hall Baboon ¾" $50

Pterinochilus murinus (orange phase) Usambara Orange Baboon ¾" $15

Theraphosa blondi Goliath Birdeater 3" $100 SPECIAL!

True Spiders and Other Invertabrates...

Latrodectus hesperus Western Black Widow ⅛" $10 NEW!

Pandinus imperator African Emperor Scorpion 1" $25 NEW!

Vaejovis spinigerus Arizona Devil Scorpion 1"-2" $30 NEW!

Scolopendra sp. Vietnamese Centipede 7" $70 NEW!

Scolopendra viridis Arizona Green Centipede 2½" $20 NEW!

There is more than 1 bloodline available for these species;Brachypelma albopilosum
Haplopelma lividum
Nhandu chromatus
Poecilotheria miranda
Psalmopoeus irminia

We also have a few species that are no more than 2-3 moults away from maturity.
Aphonopelma seemanni
Cyriocosmus elegans (Tobago)
Holothele incei

No guarantee on gender.

To place an order please call or Private Message
Marc Cunningham (905) 741 2085 (Hamilton) marc@nextyearreptiles.com
Dominic Etynkowski (647) 866-6646 (Toronto) dominic@nextyearreptiles.com
[Mr. Dom]