View Full Version : Help with extremely malnourished juvy

09-21-06, 05:42 AM
We recently adopted a baby ball that appears to never have eaten before. Last night we were successful in getting her to eat a fuzzy mouse, although we did have to assist her. My question is what type of feeding schedule should we put her on? Can I assist her every 4-5 days or should I wait a week and then feed her more often when she starts to eat on her own? I want to get some meat on her soon. I do not want to put extra stress on her but she is so skinny, I feel she needs to have as much nourishment as she can get as soon as possible. Any suggestions?



09-26-06, 01:29 PM
I do not know for sure but since no one else replied, here is my suggestion. Wait five days and see and then see if he/she is interested in eating. If you needed to help it eat make sure it has plenty of water and good humidity to keep it from dehydrating. Then after 5 day attempt it again with an appropriately sized item. Make sure you leave it alone as much as possible and it has plenty of hides. Also make sure the temps are good(80-82cool side/90-92warm side). Stress is the last thing it needs right now.

Why was it so malnourished to begin with? Any background can help. A trip to the vet can never hurt either.

10-17-06, 09:51 PM
i would make sure the temps and humidity are right. at least two hides and no handling(like dball said).

if it ate once successfully then you are on the right track. i would wait 7 days because i just feel that if you attepmt too soon then you'll have to wait a few more days to attempt again and it may not be good...

maybe even try a live mouse next time for a greater chance of feeding success...

these are just suggestions, anyone else may have different or better advice.

but definately a trip to the vet will help(but maybe after the next or a few other feedings). maybe just talk to a vet first...

just my advice, hope it helps...