View Full Version : Identifiying A Het

09-20-06, 09:02 PM
I am purchasing a het for albinism and am going to breed him. I was wondering how to tell if his babies are hets or norms. I have herad different opinons on this and would like to confirm them.

Thanks in advance

09-21-06, 12:39 AM
To a normal? You probably couldn't tell unless you have experience with them, but I'm not pro in my own respect. Try asking a big breeder like NERD or MKR or something.

09-21-06, 05:34 AM
Need more info on the mate.

09-21-06, 07:11 AM
There are certain markers that sometimes appear for various traits, but the only way to tell for sure is to grow them up & prove them out by breeding. Easiest done by using a visable morph to breed them too. Mark

09-21-06, 10:10 AM
Looking at your previous posts, it looks like you have a normal female and are looking to buy a 50% possible het albino. I assume that you are looking to produce albinos. If you are, and you can't buy a homozygous, I wouldn't purchase anything other than a 100% het.

Breed a 100% het to your normal female will produce all normal looking offspring, but they will be 50% possible het for albino. (half will carry the albino gene, the other half will not.) When the offspring are old enough to breed, mate the 100% het father to any female offspring. If the daughter is a true het, than you have a chance (25%) of producing a visible albino. If the daughter does not carry the albino gene, than your back to producing 50% possible hets. Basically its a crap shoot.

If you can buy a homo and breed it with your normal female, you will produce 100% hets. When old enough, mate any daughter(s) with the father and you have the best chance (50/50) of producing more albinos from any resulting clutch.

For additional info, I recommend going to NERD and reading the genetics info pages. These help me to understand what little I know. Hope it helps you.


Recommended reading:
Ball Pythons in Captivity (Professional Breeders Series) by Kevin McCurley


09-21-06, 12:34 PM

idiots!... not you red tails. NERD personal opinion but hey.

ther is NOW WAY to tell even 100% het.. theres no PROVEN markers. as mark said the easiest way is to prove out.

if you want a gaurantee of het, buy off of a large breeder. Markus Jayne ( ballpython.ca) and corey woods (coreywoods.com) are great breeders. also markus's site has alot of info about genes.

09-21-06, 12:40 PM
heh thanks for the responses i know that was a dumb question but was tired when i typed this up. I am buying him from Constricters Unlimted and wanted to know if that is a good place to buy them from.

09-21-06, 03:16 PM
If you can buy a homo and breed it with your normal female, you will produce 100% hets.

hehehe, gay is hereditary.

Anyways, Constrictors has some great snakes, but I dunno about the balls, I tend to stay away from the puny things myself. Too trendy or whatever, I think they suck.