View Full Version : breeding red tail boas

snake 101
09-04-06, 12:37 PM
I need help on breeding red tails. first of all I need some advice on producing live young do u have to put them in an incubator ordo u just set them in their little cage with a light up a bove or what do you do? and how do u transport them to their cages what do u do with the mother? And how do you get them to mate? and what size and age do they have to be to breed? info greatly accepted thanx!

09-04-06, 01:26 PM
Basically everything right? To save me the trouble of having to type up a caresheet, try going to google.com or some similar search engine and saerch for "Boa breeding info care". There should be quite a few hits. Read a couple and if they all sound the same, it's most likely a proven, reliable method. There's no incubator with live bearers, once she drops the young they're in a sac(egg) that they break open and crawl out of within a couple hours, so no incubation time.

snake 101
09-05-06, 09:49 AM
ok thanx for help so I actually got everything pretty much right? interesting.

snake 101
09-06-06, 10:10 AM
also Id like to know on breeding blood pythons with ball pythons any advice or info would be nice.

09-06-06, 11:26 AM
Personally I think they're too ugly and it would be too hard for you to do to be worth it. Stick with normal crosses or something tried a little bit more so you can find info like bateaters.

snake 101
09-08-06, 08:25 PM
and information on breeding blood pythons would be accepted and which would be easier breeding red tail boas or blood pythons?

snake 101
09-08-06, 08:39 PM
and I know im asking alot and this question has been posted before but info on breeding ball pythons would be good.

09-08-06, 11:05 PM
So far every question you have asked about red tails can be found in boa care books. One thats aways helped me is " The Boa Constrictor Manual." Pretty good stuff.

snake 101
09-09-06, 08:59 AM
ok ill look into it.