View Full Version : heater for plastic cage?

09-03-06, 08:07 PM
I am thinking of moving my BP's form 35g tank to a plastic enclosure.
I saw one at a pet store today, 36 in. long looks something like neodesha use to make,has 2 halogen light fixtures in it.
my question is can I use undertank heater(eg.zoomed pad)in those tipe of enclosures? do you put them under or inside enclosure ?
any advice would be great.

09-03-06, 08:41 PM
The only UTH that you can use on plastic cages, for sure, is ZooMed's mini pad. It is only rated for up to 5 gal. We use them on the plastic "kritter keepers" for feeding or neonates.

09-03-06, 08:58 PM
would that be fine? what about heat cabel?!

09-03-06, 09:19 PM
i have an Animal Plastics cage that i use an under tank heat cable on. but then again that is one of the heating options that AP offers and it is routered into the bottom of the cage, which you probably could not do in your situation. but you said this enclosure youre looking at has 2 halogen light fixtures in it. if this is the case, why dont you just use lights to heat it?

09-03-06, 10:05 PM
not sure if those 2 halogen fixtures will produce enough heat, and would not have any heat at night when lights are off.

09-03-06, 10:12 PM
they would probably produce enough heat, but i see your point about there being no heat at night when the lights are off.

is there any particular reason you are looking to buy that specific cage? are you getting a good deal on it or something? because if not you may want to buy a plastic cage from a commercial manufacturer (such as AP, but there are others as well) so you can use an UTH cable as a heat source.

09-04-06, 04:55 AM
price is ok, not sure if there is any comercial ones available in canada(not that i know).and for me to order from states would cost me arm and a leg with shipping, customs and taxes. cages look like very much like this ones(sorry for stealing your thred mike)

09-04-06, 09:47 AM
the cages in that ad look similar to visions, although i dont think they are.

im almost positive that there is at least one plastic caging company in canada, but of course i cant remember the name lol. maybe someone else will be able to tell you or maybe ill think of it.

10-02-06, 03:14 AM
you could set your 2 light fixtures up on seperate timers, and put a red bulb in the one that comes on at night, and have a white bulb during the day.

10-02-06, 05:05 AM
I got the cage and now I am fideling with everything.
I am usig slate tile with UTH, giving me a hot spot of 90-92,coolest end of the cage is 75

10-02-06, 07:14 PM
any heat pad/tape/cable is fine in plastic enclosures.. just wire them to a dimmer or use a lamp dimmer. insiide is a better choice but outside the cage will work as well..

most snakes need a hot spot of no more than 98, ( cant even think of one that needs that) and out body temp is on average 98.7. by holding plastic we cannot fully melt it.. so no worries.