View Full Version : new snake!!!

12-15-02, 12:47 PM
hi everybody! yestreday i got a red rat snake!its about 1 foot long,and is just getting ready to shed!!i caught it outside,and yes i know most animals from the outside will have deaseses....but i think i will take my chance with this guy...

12-15-02, 02:17 PM
cool :)

only thing you`re likely to catch where i live is a cold :p

if you really went searching for snakes thouhg i suppose it would be possible to turn up a few slow worms and the such like .

good luck with your wild caught `lil monster

12-16-02, 03:23 PM
thanks!i also saw some awsome looking centipedes....i think they are creepy...

12-16-02, 07:55 PM
well......i guess i held my little guy too much and stressed him out.......i found him belly up in his cage =[ =[ =[ =[!!.....i put him in a box and dug him a grave.....

12-17-02, 09:53 AM
awwww... sorry for your loss.

but, at least you had him fo a little while. ^^

tis better to have herped and lost than to never have herped at all!

12-22-02, 01:11 PM
thats a shame butOriginally posted by Nanashi04
better to have herped and lost than to never have herped at all!

12-23-02, 10:31 AM
yep!thats true....

12-30-02, 11:48 AM
~sobs helplessly~ a real shame, but i'm sure that you did all you could to make him(or her) comfortable.