View Full Version : corn or red tail boa

snake 101
08-20-06, 08:19 PM
should I get a red tail boa or corn snake. I want something that gets big and thick in the stomach and something that I can breed without laying eggs or live over 15 in the amount. and whichever it is some advice on how to take care of it.

08-20-06, 08:28 PM
Neither would work then, as both of those species can have more then 15 offspring.

Also I suggest instead of making a new thread for each question about what snake to get it might be better to just make one big thread about it and keep everything there, that way your replys wont get scattered everywhere.

snake 101
08-28-06, 05:58 PM
ok then Im looking for either a boa species or python species that only lays up to 15 eggs or less.

08-28-06, 06:06 PM
Well considering boas have live young that wouldnt work. An normally there litters are pretty large. So it would have to be a python species. Have you thought about a Ball python or a Childrens python?

08-28-06, 08:13 PM
What about Sand Boas or Rosy Boas both stay real small & have small clutches too, Mark

08-29-06, 07:50 AM
A Dumeril Boa would be the best choice in this case. They usually have about 10 babys. Can go up to 20 but it's quite rare. They are stunning animals and they can get quite thick too!

snake 101
08-29-06, 08:32 AM
I have a ball python already but I cant breed it because its at my dads house and he doesnt want to deal with hatchlings.

snake 101
08-29-06, 08:38 AM
I can consider live young but I havent reaserch that at all any advice could help yhanx for helping me with all this.

08-29-06, 04:55 PM
Ive never bred egg layers myself but have heard that even if you leave the eggs in with the Dam eggs arnt hard to hatch. I bred boas because they are my fav species of snake and Columbian red tails are very easy to breed. Although there litters tend to be larger.

snake 101
09-02-06, 07:04 PM
how big of a litter and how long do they grow and how much do they cost normally.

09-02-06, 08:47 PM
how big of a litter and how long do they grow and how much do they cost normally.

Litters can be anywere from as small as one offspring with alot of Slugs ( Unfertilized eggs) and Still Borns ( Dead at birth) or as small as 9 live offspring. All depends on temprature and how well the male worked out for you. Some litters can be as large as 30 to 60 young. I had a friend who had a 11 foot female who had 55 young! Neonate (Baby) red tails do there most growing during the first two years, after that it slows down but they will continue to grow through out there lives. Growth druing the first year is the most noticeible, sometimes they can triple in size from when they were first 'born.' After three years it slows down to around 5 to 15 percent, all depends on the snake. Neonate red tails offten eat small mice as a first meal, it all depends on the size of the boa. Some will eat 'Hopper' mice while others can be put stright onto rat 'Fuzzys'.Depending on were you get your feeders from weither you breed them yourself or buy them from a store will all depend on who much your looking at to feed them there first couple of meals. If you breed mice/rats its going to be alot cheaper then to go out and buy say 25 small mice, which in some places ( In CA your looking at nearly 50 Cents to a Buck each) can caust quiet a bit. You also have to remember to sell healty offspring your going to want to give them there first three to four meals before sending them out. You will feed them after they shed there first time which takes place a couple of days after birth.