View Full Version : What kind of balls does everyone have?

08-19-06, 06:33 PM
Just wanted to see what kind of ball pythons everyone is raising.

I currently have a narmal male, a normal female, and a male pastel. I'm getting a spider female within a few months, I can't wait!! I got the pastel and am getting the spider from Ron Crawford. He's a great guy, and a superb ball breeder. Here is a link to his website if anyone is interested.

08-19-06, 09:28 PM
I have normals.pastel,100% het albino,100% het orange ghost hypo,ghost,100% het piebald thats all for now.

snake 101
08-19-06, 09:40 PM
I have a normal female

08-19-06, 09:47 PM
I can see that you a breeder Taz. But what about you Snake101? Just a pet or do you plan on breeding her?

08-19-06, 10:34 PM
what do you mean snake 101?

snake 101
08-20-06, 04:46 PM
I want to breed her but I already breed corns and thats a hassle and I mean "normal" by it isnt any type of morph.

05-17-07, 01:46 AM
I got just one normal male, and if the first two weeks are any indication, I will probly end up with more lol:crazy:

05-17-07, 01:11 PM
Pretty personal question don't ya think :D LOL I have 4 adult females all regulars out on a breeding loan. They are being bred to Spiders, Mohaves & Pastels so with any luck I'll have a few morphs here in a few months as well. 2 out of 4 have laid already (7 & 8 eggs each). Buddy pipped one from the first clutch due right away & it was a spider in there so hopefully there will be more in there as well. Mark

05-25-07, 09:07 AM
Ive got:
super pastels
pastel het albinos
het albinos
orange ghosts
lesser platinums
yellow ghosts
and I'm sure a few I've forgotten (tsk tsk tsk)

05-31-07, 08:51 AM
Here's a cpl of pics of some of my balls





I do have some albinos floating around, but I don't have any pics.


05-31-07, 10:06 AM
i have one normal female and one 100% het for albino male from corey woods and i want a 100% het for albino female when i get the money lol.

06-02-07, 12:43 PM
All the morphs for balls out there are phenomenal, but I'm a sucker for a neonate normal :)
Ghosts are definitely the most impressive morph to me, but again, I'm old school in the fact that I love normals!

Dark Wyvern
06-21-07, 01:31 AM
1.1 100% het pied
0.1 pastel

06-21-07, 11:47 AM
None...I seem like I'm the odd man out.

06-21-07, 03:35 PM
lol...I haven't had a ball for a decade. THought about getting back into them but there are just so many others that are more to my liking. Nothing against them but they jsut aren't very active. Love the countless potential of the morphs though. Wish there were that many morphs for burms or tics. Todd

The Snake Guru
06-21-07, 03:50 PM
I actually have a couple of nice Normals.....I always keep at least one in the collection. I'm kind of partial though because they were the first exotic snake I started out with so many years ago.


06-22-07, 08:28 AM
Aaron; that's funny, you said you have no balls..........

06-22-07, 08:29 AM
lol...I haven't had a ball for a decade. THought about getting back into them but there are just so many others that are more to my liking. Nothing against them but they jsut aren't very active. Love the countless potential of the morphs though. Wish there were that many morphs for burms or tics. Todd

Not yet but they are working on it .

06-22-07, 10:14 AM
Oh come on...grow up a little. You knew exactly what context I was talking in :P

Aaron; that's funny, you said you have no balls..........

06-24-07, 08:58 AM
i have got a very friendly Cinimon Pastel

07-23-07, 05:44 AM
I have 2 normal females and 1 normal male, looking to get my first morph or het at the SORBE show in august so if any vendors want to fill me in on what there going to have there feel free..lol

07-23-07, 01:04 PM
1 male pastel 1 female super pastel and 1 spider

07-23-07, 01:36 PM
I have just 1 normal. Not sure the sex of it.

07-23-07, 06:51 PM
1.1 Pastel
1.0 Amir Yellow belly
1.1 100% Het Albino
1.0 Leopard poss Phantom maker
0.2 True Granite
0.6 Fancy normals including true reduced patterns, high yellows, and black backs.